Your 2011 Chase Season Video in 3D

Im guessing someone with $21,000 floating around. My guess as to WHO? im thinking Timmer or someone like that. ;):D

+1 to that.

If I win the lottery Ill be glad to quit my job, buy a couple of those cameras along with alot of other stuff, pay my friends their salary to join me and chase ALL season. That wouldnt be all to shabby of a way to spend a few months. :D
Unless you are ridiculously close to the tornado (ie 20 feet from flying debris) you aren't going to get much depth in your shots using that setup since the cameras are too close together.
Even if I could afford it I wouldn't. I can't stand 3D. Hated it in the 80s, and hate the new televisions today. Just gives me a headache, and I can't stand wearing glasses.

Although, this thread reminds me of the chance I had to be the first chaser (to my knowledge) to release a highlights reel on DVD in 2000 (but scoffed at the notion because I lacked the technical know-how and, being a control freak, didn't wanna hand the reigns over to my friend who was all over state-of-the-art medias at the time).
Good day all,

No one here mentions the fact that a SINGLE drop of water or speck of dust can RUIN a new camera.

OK, replacing / repairing a $1000 camera stinks, but a $21K ++ camera?

No thanks (for NOW at least)...
Unless you are ridiculously close to the tornado (ie 20 feet from flying debris) you aren't going to get much depth in your shots using that setup since the cameras are too close together.

Bump... Yes to get any depth from tornado you need a much bigger baseline. Depending on what you want ~30 feet or more...
The real things is all the 3D I need.

Of course....if I have enough 4D (time) I might be able to get 5D (Canon).
Even if I could afford it I wouldn't. I can't stand 3D. Hated it in the 80s, and hate the new televisions today. Just gives me a headache, and I can't stand wearing glasses.

Although, this thread reminds me of the chance I had to be the first chaser (to my knowledge) to release a highlights reel on DVD in 2000 (but scoffed at the notion because I lacked the technical know-how and, being a control freak, didn't wanna hand the reigns over to my friend who was all over state-of-the-art medias at the time).

i agree. i saw my first 3D movie last summer (Final Destination 4 or 5, i lost count) and my eyes hurt the whole time and my head was throbbing afterwards.

recently saw a 3D HDTV at a local tv store and that was annoying too, I just don't see the point in it, but whatever, i guess im old fashioned and not cool. lolz.
You guys gotta admit.. Some fat Baseball hail would look pretty outrageous coming at the camera. For the first 10 seconds..
I've done some 3D photography and after the first "Thats cool" reaction it's not so much. The difficulty is having the objects to pop from the screen. I suppose having debris fly toward you could do that. But I would much rather leave that to special effects. Someone will certainly die getting that shot. Achieving depth in a landscape shot for me anyway, has been tough. I can get shots of particular items to turn out really nice. But tornadoes, trees and everything else included in a full shot has been not so hot.
Right. If you space the cameras further apart it will also make the objects appear much smaller than they are (might still be a neat effect though).
I thought Avatar 3D was done exceptionally well, none of the dramatic "in your face" shots that older 3D movies were famous for. Having realistic DOF while watching a movie without any eyestrain is pleasing to me. I don't see much of a market for chasing (landscape scenery) but there is a market here if its done well. Watching a Football game in 3D HD may be quite stunning.