WOW dustdevil on youTube

  • Thread starter Mike Hollingshead
  • Start date

Mike Hollingshead

youTube Tornadoes

Ok I edited the title of this seeings how I'm sure anyone viewing youTube has seen the first dust devil video I posted.

Judging by the number of views on this thing after searching tornadoes on there I imagine a lot on here have already seen this. It is very cool and damn funny.

Here is another cool one from August 24, 2006 sw of Minneapolis.

Good thing that is "all" I missed that day. Sigh. Ok now I'm hating youTube video.

Ok I edited the title of this seeings how I'm sure anyone viewing youTube has seen the first dust devil video I posted.

Ok I thought I was editing the actual title but apparently I wasn't.
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The second video is from Joshua Jans (JJ) and is featured on the August 24th chapter of the Storms of 2006. 'shameless plug' :)
I vote 'best tornado of 2006' for that Minnesota tube. Wow.
I'm quite partial to the Wolsey tornado (50 minutes of incredible character). Having said that and viewed most of the video of the Nicolett tornado, you can't compete against multi-vortex action like that. Simon Brewer has some incredible shots which shows a nearly perfect round shape to the rotationg cloud base above the tornado. Joshua Jans managed to keep up with that thing for most of it's lifespan. As Verne already said, this is all on the Storms of 2006 DVD, the 8-24 chapter features 8 tornadoes from that day (yeah I had to pick only 8!).

It was one of those days where the parameters were literally off the charts. SBCAPE in the 4500-5000 j/kg range, 0-3km CAPE around 300 j/kg in SD and 100-150 j/kg in MN, the ML LCL's were good in both states (but slightly lower Tdd in Minnesota). The Nicolett storm took the cake and ate it for levels of low level shear, upwards of 600 m2/s2 0-1km SRH. Obviously things like STP were a little on the upward side.
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The 2nd video was impressive. I enjoyed watching the multiple vortices touch down one after another, ferris-wheeling under the huge meso in the same spots. It was a perfect example of the swirl ratio, the vortices spiraling around & outward from the axis of rotation. The beavers tail on that storm was almost as impressive as the Wolsey tornado! I love it when you can see the air flow in & around the entire storm with condensation. I guess that's what you get with T/Td spreads as high as 90/82 & that much low-level shear--just beautiful!

Simon & Mark did a great job of documenting the Nicolett tornado. You can see the vortex go through the whole cycle of rapidly forming & reorganizing just before it went wedge. Can't wait to see Storms of '06!