Woo-hoo! Dave's got a ride!

Mar 3, 2004
Mt Prospect, IL
With promising times ahead, storm-wise, I will be heading out on my first chase vacation. Dan Robinson has been very kind to have me tag along when he leaves next week. I can barely contain my excitement! I hope to see many of you guys out there, in and out of the storms! Here's to slow moving May supercells, and wedge tornadoes destroying nothing but grassy fields. (knock on wood.) Thank's, Dan!
That's very cool, David. I am leaving for the alley for the first time at the end of the month. I can't wait to get outa here and see some real storms.

How long will you be down for? Good luck, have fun and stay safe!
Right on Dave, may you be blessed by the weather gods of the Plains. Best of luck to you too, Laura.

I'm also heading out the first of next week, and I hope we see more tubes than a California surfer :D

On the serious side, though, let's remember to be careful out there.

You deserve every bit the experience David! I hope to see you out there and maybe shake your hand, beneath a meso of course!

Definitely stay safe guys!
Great to hear that David and welcome home!

'Bout time Laura! 8^)

Hey, I know how hard it can be for us Canadians to get down there with the exchage rate situation we have been dealing with over the last decade (many of the Americans on here may be scratching their heads with that one, not knowing how much of a bruden that has been - translation: add up to 40 to 50% to your chase costs depending on year!) , the distance, and whatever life situations we all have to deal with!

I hope you both have much luck down there.

Dan Robinson is a good man. You'll not only be in good company, but he also knows where the storms are. Hope to see all of you out there somewhere.

Dave I'll more than likely be seeing you as Dan and I usually meet up a few times while out there. Glad you can make it out. Hes got a nice comfortable ride, hes a good driver. Just incase you drive watch your speed and don't get pulled over in Nebraska
No kidding, Pat... I've been wanting to go down for the last 9 yrs now lol. But now I am working and getting my life in order (I think) ;) Hey I was only 18 when I started, then I went into college. Good excuses!

Are you going this year?

I will be going down with Ron Gravelle and Scott Keddie, leaving on the 27th. Look for a black car with storm chase magnets and a bunch of antennas on the roof. Oh wait, don't a lot of chase cars look like that? LOL. Look for an Ontario license plate with a callsign on it. Feel free to say hi.
No kidding, Pat... I've been wanting to go down for the last 9 yrs now lol. But now I am working and getting my life in order (I think) ;) Hey I was only 18 when I started, then I went into college. Good excuses!

Are you going this year?

I will be going down with Ron Gravelle and Scott Keddie, leaving on the 27th. Look for a black car with storm chase magnets and a bunch of antennas on the roof. Oh wait, don't a lot of chase cars look like that? LOL. Look for an Ontario license plate with a callsign on it. Feel free to say hi.

Hey Laura I know Ron and have chased with him. We have been in touch recently and were talking about doing a chase or two together.. Look forward to meeting you :)

Good job dude, I hope you enjoy your time. I wonder how frequent/often you run into other fellow chasers, and have time available to converse with them? I am hoping to meet a bunch of people/chasers from this forum.
Wow. That's awesome David!

You definitely deserve it after the crap you went through. I'm sure this will be a great experience for you.

Good luck guys!