Actually, I have a callsign and radio frequencies on mine. It's the same material as the clings. My XYL made them on her scrapbooking machine. However, you can get them custom made at most detailing or sign shops.
Steer clear of Signs Now locations. I'm convinced their franchise contract lists "incompetence" as a requirement. I'm so dissatisfied with a job they botched for me, I'm willing to spread the word!
Steer clear of Signs Now locations. I'm convinced their franchise contract lists "incompetence" as a requirement. I'm so dissatisfied with a job they botched for me, I'm willing to spread the word!
Used them once, they did fine...just more expensive, so I went elsewhere.
I am surprised that no one has gotten a quarter or half wrap yet....see so many other businesses with them, even the local news "storm chaser" (who never chases...LOL) vehicle has the vinyl wraps. Perhaps like lightbars, folks are deciding to go more low key these days.
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