Of course, all we have to look at is Coffee Co. Alabama's Enterprise H.S.
My cousin was there and got scrapes and bruises and his truck was carried 1/4 mile away. They attempted to let them out at 1030, but SVR STORM WARNING was issued, so, they said 1230, no luck with a tornado warnins issued. Then, they decided on 100, and all was well and a few students tried to leave early, but came running back inside and then hell came over the ridge and lord, we saw what happened next! Students literally were screaming as they ran from the lot back inside" ITS COMING, OMG THE TORNADO IS COMING! It's an unfortunate case that reveals even schools can only take so much before failure happens at some point in the structure. In conclusion, there is no safe place in a tornado, all buildings are vulnerable, but keeping students at school is a hard decision on the school district administrators, it all comes down to how to keep the kids safe, its all about the kids.