Who's picture does this belong to?

Figured.... I like how they put the name of their site on the picture but offered no credit to Mike... very awesome picture!
Ripping Mike H off is really starting to piss me off as I'm sure it does others. Does this kind of thing happen to all great photographers or is it simply because he hasn't wrapped himself up in legal protection and copyrights? These kinds of things makes me very uneasy about posting any of my pictures on the web.

I received an email allegedly from an EMA with his pics in it. If Mike wishes to know which EMA it is, Ill be glad to give him the info in a PM.
Whenever I have the time to do it, I'm going to start watermarking across the middle of everything I post. You never know where your photos are going to end up. Back in 1999, I was driving through Winston Salem, North Carolina - 200 miles from home - and saw this billboard along I-40:


I did a double-take, as the lightning shot was one of mine!
All of this is bringing up something, watermarking, or "embossing" the middle of the picture with the copyright...

Do you guys know what the best way to do that is? I know that would probably be the best way to stop all of this picture theft. And it wouldn't decrease the effect of the picture that much. I know all I have on my pictures is a little copyright in a corner, easily cropped off if somebody wanted to steal my pictures. :lol: Like anybody wants too...
Easy way to 'watermark' your images.

Open it in your favorite image editing program.

Put your text on it.

Bevel the text.

Then fade the text to level that works best.

You then have an image that can be viewed....

and no matter how it's altered...your 'watermark' stays visible.


Easypeasy, guys. :D

Use different colors for the text as needed, and don't always use the same fade out level.
I notice that this site (like many) gives anybody the ability to email the pic to one or more people. Mikes pics are really getting around, and it looks like it has gone too far to stop (which really ticks me off, especially after the events of the last 2 days). Unfortunately, at this point, Mike would have to spend every day, 24 hours a day, just trying to keep up with all of the places that have his pics online. What is real scary is thinking about print media (eg: calenders or post cards) that may have his images on them. We should all keep our eyes open when in bookstores or other shops, not only for Mike's images, but anybody elses.

Mike...think of it this way...with all of these people sending your pics our: When you care you only send the best. :) :) :)
Gayla I love how you keep pointing out the water-marking thing. lol! I can't figure why others don't do it. Especially ones with such great images. I will never know why I guess.

Originally posted by Mickey Ptak
Gayla I love how you keep pointing out the water-marking thing. lol! I can't figure why others don't do it. Especially ones with such great images. I will never know why I guess.


You're welcome, Mickey. :D

As, um....uhoh, my mind went blank..oh! Marc pointed out, someone with really good photoshopping skills could probably edit it out....but that would take some effort, and most people willing to use others' images are going to go the easiest route.

I've also begun using PhotoShop to fill in all the image information (date created, name, copyright, description, etc).

I've tried layering the image over the text, and that works pretty decently.