Where to go?

Feb 18, 2004
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Helloo gang!

Well it's pretty much official that I will be able to go in the USA for storm chasing in 2007. We are already making plans for the trip.

The only thing is that, because of family matters, we cannot get there in april or may but we will be leaving Montreal Quebec on June 24th! So we plan to be in the USA until end of July.

The question is... where's the best place to chase late season storms in that time frame of the year? Nebraska, the Dakotas? Any input would be helpfull.

Anywhere around and north of Nebraska is a good bet.

June 24th is a good day. June 24, 2003 was the biggest 1-day tornado outbreak in South Dakota history!

I hate to say it, but if you follow the weather patterns during that time of year, you may end up chasing ......back in Canada!
Originally posted by Matthew Havin
I hate to say it, but if you follow the weather patterns during that time of year, you may end up chasing ......back in Canada!

I wouldn't mind! LOL Actually, we plan of going from Montreal to Winnipeg and than go South in the USA from there.