Where are the killer weather apps?

I'm just trying out WeatherTAP Mobile on the iPad. While not an app per se because it runs in Safari, the Radar HD Beta is a very good downsize to the iPad. For all but storm scale mode, I'd expect to avoid having to fire up the notebook.

While it doesn't (yet?) provide some of the full MSW options, like major streets and the gps track, it does show your gps location and cities/county boundaries. It is custom-sizeable to fit your device's screen dimensions, which is A Good Thing.
David - does it plot METARs? I'd love to find a good interactive METAR app or website compatible with the iPad.
... Not AFAIK (the notebook version does, as an option). As you probably already know, though, the SPC's Mesoanalysis Forecast Tools sector obs loop just fine with the radar underlay, and the RAP UCAR surface obs displays are very current and complete, and usually refresh easily. The station obs displayed on WeatherTAP aren't that great, IMO, anyway. It's pretty easy to drop a url link on the home screen (desktop) and tap to it as one would an app.