What was the worst tornado outbreak in missouri??

Rod Neff

Does anyknow when was the worst tornado outbreak in missouri history??

Source: NCDC 1950-2004

05-04-03: 38 Tornadoes
05-06-03: 34 Tornadoes

Note: Actual number should of tornadoes should be less,
since the Stom Data and NCDC counts the tornadoes
as county segments.

The May 4, 2003 outbreak was very severe in Missouri (F4 at Kansas City, F3s at Stockton and Pierce City), but I highly doubt it was the worst outbreak in Missouri history (in terms of significant tornadoes, not just sheer number of tornadoes). Here are a few other candidates based on NCDC data and Grazulis' Significant Tornadoes:

1. May 27, 1896: St. Louis Outbreak
Outbreak for Missouri and Illinois devastated parts of St. Louis. Of the 305 killed, 255 were in and around St. Louis, Missouri. There were 1000 injuries and $10 million in damage for St. Louis alone.

2. May 8-9, 1927: Poplar Bluff Outbreak
An F4 tornado ripped through Poplar Bluff, Missouri killing 92 people. A total of 217 would die from 17 major tornadoes across Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas.

And don't forget that tri-state tornado, which killed about 600 people, started in Missouri. Most of the deaths occurred in Illinois, however.
And don't forget that tri-state tornado, which killed about 600 people, started in Missouri. Most of the deaths occurred in Illinois, however.

Just for future info it killed 695 people. :wink: