What software do you guys use?


What software do you guys use for severe weather/storm chasing (Doppler radar) Grlevel 2 Analyst, Grlevel3, or stormlab? and why? Do you use it with smoothing or without and why.

I use Grlevel 3, but I am still deciding to buy which exact software.
Hey sina... I think most offices have upgraded to AWIPS 2, so you should just stay with that.
Who is Sina? I am just a new storm chaser in Norman OK. I got banned on Grlevelxstuff for no reason so i just ignored it. Your mistaking me for someone else.
I'd say probably 90% of chasers use GRLevel3 while chasing - that userbase will continually be eroded by mobile apps like Pykl3 and Radarscope and more chasers switch to phone-only or tablets. Smoothing is for people that don't think real bins "look pretty" and prefer having the application interpolate data for them, for better or worse.

edit: AWIPS 2 will *never* be publicly available at this rate! *shakes fist at Raytheon*
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He got banned for being caught lying about being a NWS employee. It was so sad to see in action...

AWIPS2 release is not as far off as it used to be :)
Omg I am not gonna even argue, You are mistaking me for someone else again. My name is James not Sina or what ever you call it....
James, I think Rob was answering your question (i.e. "Who is Sina?"), not saying that you were the guilty party.

As a general notice, this thread is about radar software. Let's all of us stay on topic, please.
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Mobile Chasing Software

I'd say probably 90% of chasers use GRLevel3 while chasing - that userbase will continually be eroded by mobile apps like Pykl3 and Radarscope and more chasers switch to phone-only or tablets. Smoothing is for people that don't think real bins "look pretty" and prefer having the application interpolate data for them, for better or worse.

Has anyone used Pykl3 or Radarscope for Android? If so, which do you prefer and why? They both cost the same and I a trying to decide which to buy. Do both show storm direction and speed? Thanks.
Has anyone used Pykl3 or Radarscope for Android? If so, which do you prefer and why? They both cost the same and I a trying to decide which to buy. Do both show storm direction and speed? Thanks.
PYKL3 has significantly more features and will make GRLevel3 users feel right at home. The one advantage of RadarScope, though, is access to SuperRes reflectivity and velocity through WDT's proprietary feed. In fact, the NWS servers seemed to be having trouble yesterday, so I switched to RadarScope and was able to get current data through that feed. I use PYKL3 95% of the time, but it's nice to have both at their relatively low prices.

As for software, I've been all GRLevel3 for chasing the past 7 years, along with DeLorme Street Atlas for mapping. GR2Analyst is great to have for more detailed interrogation in good data coverage areas, but I've never quite been able to justify its price for my personal use. Someday, perhaps.
Thank you for staying on topic, Yeah that's what I thought, the future will probably be on tablets and ultra books (Touch screen Laptops).
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I assume that GRLevel 3 has to be run on a laptop and not a mobile device. I have been trying to tether my Droid RAZAR to my laptop with limited success. So for now, it sounds like pykl3 is my best option for mobile on the road data.