What is your ultimate 'shot' that keeps you coming back?

Rob H

Mar 11, 2009
Twin Cities, MN
Sean Casey getting his shot, Verne Carlson mentioning that he has waited years trying to get a shot like his of the Deer Trail 6/10 tornado... I think everyone has 'the shot' that they would love to get at some point in their career. I'm curious what other chasers are really looking for in their ultimate shot, or if anyone considers that they may have already gotten theirs.

I have a vision of a big supercell with Kelvin-Helmholtz waves and a grungy wall cloud/tornado dropping out of it. Not a pretty tornado like Mulvane or Campo - I'm talking something dirty, messy, and violent. I don't want to see any blue skies or white clouds. For lack of a better term, a storm that just looks evil.
Columbus NE 1998 crazy farmer type view with crazy huge tornado under crazy structure coming right at you. I blew the closest thing to that I've been on yet, on Bowdle this year by not driving another mile north. That tornado was well crazy but structure sure never compared to what the Columbus 98 deal was doing, so I'd probably have still kept chasing even had I driven the 1 more mile north on that 3rd intercept of that tor.

There's a half rare view of the Andover KS 91 tornadic sup from that ne viewing location. Something like that would work too, just closer than they were.

I mean if one is going to have a crazy tornado they may as well have crazy structure above it too, on this shot of a life time. There's another example from sw NE in like 1990 I think it was, it's in that tornado project tornado book deal.
I've never had a "the shot" in my mind, just the type of shot I want every time I go out. IMO having a singular "shot" as a goal seems limiting; what if you get it twice in one year? What's left?

I just want good tornado video, but I don't want a certain shot every single time. I don't want to be one of those people who every one of their tornadoes looks the same. I like taking what the storm gives me, it keeps my videos varied and interesting. I'd think that after a while, having 200 tornado videos all from the same distance/angle would get old.

To answer the thread question, "my shot" would be something like my Beatrice tornado shot, or the May 12 Kiowa/Sharon, KS tornado...same location, tripoded, all/much of the entire lifecycle. I guess most people would consider Mulvane my crowning jewel, and I do love it, but IMO it's not my best work.

Interesting thread, but I've never been one of those people who have a "perfect goal" in anything. I've never had a dream job, car, girl, anything....I just want good stuff. Doesn't have to be THE stuff.
I'd like to get an elephant trunk tornado attached to a beautiful striated supercell where I can get the whole storm in the photo and have enough time to take a variety of photos and not screw it up.

Bill Hark
I would like to see an 04 Hallam, NE wedge during the daylight hours.

At it's fullest...wasn't really noticeable as a tornado, just a mass of debris crossing the horizon.

I'm all about the people and places behind the scenes. I would love to get a shot of a chaser or weather weenie enjoying the experience on a non-damaging event. But like shane, it's not why a go out....I'm not after any particular shot...it's the experience as a whole. Because even after getting my best shot, I'll keep coming back...as long as I'm physically and economically able to.
I don't have a specific shot in mind really, I just like to see and experience things for the first time, and some of those things I can't think about ahead of time, they just happen and THEN I think "wow, thats the first time Ive ever experienced that!"

I am still not a member of the Ef-5 club, so that one is definitely on the list.

I also have to agree with the original post in this thread. My favorite storms are the ones that look pure evil. When you can see a tornado and its associated chaotic rotational motions with in the wall cloud, meso and even rapidly moving scud. That is my favorite...sure, picturesque tornadoes like Mulvane and Campo are gorgeous, but I will take seeing that chaotic motion over that anyday.
Actually now that I think about it, there is one specific type shot I've always wanted, although if I ever get it, I won't consider everything afterwards "less".

Tornado with a full setting sun next to it.
DOUBLE RAINBOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol.

Just a few days ago in Ozark, Mo. It took smelling salts to wake me from my rainbow coma.


My shot this year was Goodnight, Tx (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt0FaTTVVYE) I think this could be categorized many ways, i.e. best shot, best type of tornado, best storm etc. My best storm this year was the Last Chance, Co. storm that put down multiple high contrast tubes. My idea of "The Shot" other than this years "Shot", would have been the highly photogenic tornado in SE Colorado this season. Upslope is really the only type of chasing that I feel provides the type of shots that I look for. All that said, and having those goals in the back of my mind, I'd have to agree with previous posts and say that I take what I get from the storm or event. Im not just out for the "Tornado Shot", but lightning, hail, and structure. I also am not a member of the EF-5 club and honestly don't want to be. Now if they begin to give that rating over open country with no structures hit and no fatalities I could do it.
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In all seriousness, though, my "shot" would definitely be a nice well-lit tornado in Montana with a Montana mountain backdrop. :) Damn you Billings metra tornado.
I enjoy each storm being different and not knowing what you're going to see each time you go out. That's what keeps me coming back. If there was one instance where I would have loved to have been there, it would've been the Campo tornado.