A couple years ago, I began evaluating what it was that I was about. Everyone, and I mean everyone, was live streaming. But doing it was such a pain in the butt. I'm not a prominent chaser, but when I do get to go out, I want to focus on what matters, and that is the storms. I want to appreciate them for all they're worth. I concluded that live streaming just gets in the way of that. It's a major attention sink when I need to be, and want to be, watching the sky. Plus, I found that it was affecting my choices. I let a storm get past me a few years ago because I was parked in a strategic location for streaming as a wall cloud crossed the highway in front of me. I did that because I was talking with the local news and wanted to give them a good screenful of what I was seeing, but I should have been repositioning out ahead of the storm.
Never again. On those occasions when I've got the money and opportunity to chase, I'm not going to let live streaming divert me from what really counts and what I care about most in chasing.