What Does Joining SpotterNetwork Get You?

Most of our local NWS offices don't even take Spotter Network seriously anymore or have it turned off in NWS Chat due to the poor quality of reports. Honestly even some of my own reports which IMO were detailed enough and fit guidelines for reporting I've been issued warnings for not being detailed enough. For example, I got a warning for reporting 2.75" hail this last spring because I estimated it based on the comparison of a baseball and had photos to back it up on twitter. I've also got warnings for estimating tornado distance from myself using a map, which makes no sense at all how that would even matter when again...in real time I had posted photos to twitter and exact lat lon coordinates.

I'm at the point now, I don't even bother to report anything anymore on there. It's a complete waste of time for me. I just contact NWS directly via phone or twitter.

I also leave my icon off anymore as well. I’ve had people follow me based on my icon or track down my location and follow our group. In 2014 I had a group of people from Utah track down my Facebook, look me up on spotter network, and then came up to us in a Wendy’s parking lot in Nebraska and try to follow us (creepy much?). I get people wanting to see weather and experience it, that is cool and all, but following other people without them knowing, is really sketchy. I’d suggest taking a chase tour before anyone does that.
I'm the same way. I make reports when needed either by cell phone or ham radio or if in my county where I am part of the emergency management group on our P25 dedicated frequency first then a call to 911 to inform the agencies that may be in the path. My vehicle that I use for pretty much any emergency response is my personal vehicle, and has far too much electronic equipment like laptop, radios, advanced first aid kits etc to allow myself or my location to be potentially tracked by possibly sketchy individuals.