Weathertap Radarlab HD

Ah, yes...I see revision 16 is out and includes storm relative velocity and radial velocity - along with a few others. So Weathertap reps are these velocity products Level 2 or 3? Of course we would love level 2 for these as that is what I understand Radarlab Hd is about, but if this is intermediate to eventually providing that at least it makes the tool much more useful for now, and that before the next season begins.

I'll begin checking it out as new storm systems develop and chase season approaches.
Oh another thing to consider between this and Grlevelx products I believe is this will display lightning and vis / ir satellite info whereas I don't believe Grlevelx does although I am not up on the current version. I assume Gr.. could display if it had it available as just another layer.

It's also pretty cool that the select map/station page is actually a large US map overlayed with radar so you can actually visualize what you are selecting stationwise as opposed to just choosing a station without having a more regional/US radar view. If Grlevelx doesn't do this, it is something I think it should have always done. I believe I think I even mentioned it to them as a suggestion some years back.
Ah, yes...I see revision 16 is out and includes storm relative velocity and radial velocity - along with a few others. So Weathertap reps are these velocity products Level 2 or 3? Of course we would love level 2 for these as that is what I understand Radarlab Hd is about, but if this is intermediate to eventually providing that at least it makes the tool much more useful for now, and that before the next season begins.
Good find Bill! I was beginning to wonder if they were going to upgrade to velocity. I'll probably try them out again next spring (as a radar backup) because I like their satellite shots and they don't suffer from overcrowded server problems like COD and NCAR radar sites. Not sure if it's been mentioned ....I haven't been in this thread for a while. The GRLevelX software doesn't seem to load up on the CPU like Radarlab HD does. Thus I rate GRLevelX better for a laptop on the road running off a cellular connection.
The GRLevelX software doesn't seem to load up on the CPU like Radarlab HD does. Thus I rate GRLevelX better for a laptop on the road running off a cellular connection.

That's because Radarlab is a java web-based program and is not launched from your hard drive. If you lose your internet connection, GRLx will keep trying to download the data and displays it when the connection has been reestablished. Radarlab, on the other hand, requires the user to either change radar sites or relaunch the applet if it tries to refresh the data and there is no connection. It's a big hassle especially during crunch time.

Radarlab has made some significant upgrades in the past year including a GPS overlay, velocity data, polygon warnings and the option to show smoothed or unsmoothed data. It has the potential to be a great program, but it takes too much valuable time to load the data and the program.

SSimmons, what is the next upgrade? Any plans on making Radarlab a PC-based program?
Right now there are not any plans to make it a PC based program. There are a couple of things we are wanting to add. I do not want to mention them just yet because we need to get management approval to do them. And just to answer a question Bill had, only the base reflectivity is Level-II (that is why it has the Level-II beside it). All others are the Level-III products. Hopefully, we will be able to add more Level-II products in the future. We are currently working on updating our Level-II decoder as NOAA is making software changes in February that affect how the Level-II data will be decoded.

Any changes or upgrades we make will be posted on our blog.
Thanks for the reply.

I was checking out the gps enabled version the other day. Does the gps only refresh every time the radar is refreshed? What about gps tracks or a trail?

Also I just noticed under storm attributes / storm tracks that meso's are numbered. Is this level of intensity? If so, what is the scale as it isn't listed under help?

The GPS location is constantly updated as new location data is received from the GPS device. There is an option on the GPS Information page that allows you to turn the track on or off and also to clear the track data. You can also specify how thick of a track line you want to draw along with what symbol you want drawn for your current location. These can be changed and any time. The color of the gps location can also be changed to what ever you want.

The MESO field listed on the Storm Track was listed as either "MESO", "UNCO", "3DCO" or "NONE". Most radar sites have been updated to use the new NSSL Mesocyclone Detection Alogrithm (MDA). With the new MDA software, this MESO field is listed as a "strength rank". The strength rank is a number ranging from 1-25 with 1 being the weakest MDA feature and 25 being the strongest. If no MDA detected feature is found within 20 km of the storm cell, it will be listed as "NONE".

I'll add this to the help section on RadarLab HD.

The GPS location is constantly updated as new location data is received from the GPS device. There is an option on the GPS Information page that allows you to turn the track on or off and also to clear the track data. You can also specify how thick of a track line you want to draw along with what symbol you want drawn for your current location. These can be changed and any time. The color of the gps location can also be changed to what ever you want.

Guess I didn't test it long enough. It didn't seem to be changing or moving, but I was in a residential area and it didn't show the road I was on so it was hard to tell. I'll try and test it more soon. Are there plans to make the roads displayed more detailed? I'm looking into the Autonet product which may provide good connects while chasing most of the time to the internet. If so this may somewhat eliminate the need for Threatnet and instead make a product such as Radarlab Hd, or Swift, or Grlevelx - all with GPS a more attractive product if they provide good visible roads for navigation. The roads on Mobile Threatnet are fairly detailed and become more so as you drill down to lower levels. Sometimes I navigate using this unless I need some extra info from Street Atlas which I also have running in the background. I'd say the perfect product would be a marriage between a product like Street Atlas to a radar/severe weather product like Radarlab Hd. However looking at the map may be a bit cumbersome with all the stuff overlayed however as I recall Swift gets around that toggling off/on layers or actually looking at tabbed pages that only show one product at a time.

The MESO field listed on the Storm Track was listed as either "MESO", "UNCO", "3DCO" or "NONE". Most radar sites have been updated to use the new NSSL Mesocyclone Detection Alogrithm (MDA). With the new MDA software, this MESO field is listed as a "strength rank". The strength rank is a number ranging from 1-25 with 1 being the weakest MDA feature and 25 being the strongest. If no MDA detected feature is found within 20 km of the storm cell, it will be listed as "NONE".

I'll add this to the help section on RadarLab HD.

When I saw it the column didn't say either MESO UNCO 3DCO or NONE - that is what confused me. All it showed was a number which didn't make much sense. I still don't get it.
We would like to add more detailed roads to RadarLab HD, but that is a lot of data to load and we haven't come up with a good way to allow this. It might be an option some time in the future.

As for the Storm Track MESO information, you can read more about the change here. At the top of the third page is where it talks about the strength rank for the MDA.
We would like to add more detailed roads to RadarLab HD, but that is a lot of data to load and we haven't come up with a good way to allow this. It might be an option some time in the future.

I would think the best way is when you install the product. I would likely limit the liberal re-installs of the product. Seems currently it detects a new version is available and auto installs that whenever you start the product. It is probably better to detect it and ask if you want to update to the latest version. That way you don't get an update in the middle of the field on low bandwidth while trying to just get a radar update.

Anyway if you do it as part of the install, or even as a separate step such as when you get the gps version - or even just as a separate update as roads or maps - I think it makes more sense than trying to grab everything online while chasing and trying to switch to a different radar station. Keep in mind we often have fairly low speed connects in the field and this has to be quick and light. With Threatnet you install the roads one time and they are there.

On another note, I'm starting to think tab browsing in Radarlab Hd is the way to go. In other words provide many of the products separately on tabs. These tabs would then be loaded and remain, and can quickly be selected and switched to for comparison. I was just checking this out with the severe weather out toward Georgia. I'll download 8 frames of Storm Relative Motion and then I'll toggle back to Base Reflectivity. Each time - even though the data hasn't changed, it has to reload (probably re-download the data) - this very slow. Compare that to Grlevelx or Swift. I believe both of these just toggle to the other tab immediately. This effectively allows you to have both (or more than 2) products always available. By toggling between multiple screens with all screens positioned the same way you can quickly compare features such as reflectivity signature to velocity signature for detecting tornadic areas. Other products such as Vil, composite, etc are also useful this way, Or even different level scans of a product. The advantage of tabs is they can quickly be user selected or possibly even selected back and forth using a tab key. Currently Radarlab uses selectable check boxes. These could be fairly quick if the data is immediately displayed or if you can cursor between each and redisplay the already downloaded current data, but right now the cursor key doesn't work this way with Radarlab Hd.

The way I see it you either need the tabs, or you need to keep the data resident in memory and when a user requests a different product for comparison the tool checks to see if the data is old. If it is, it goes ahead and grabs the latest data. If it isn't it just quickly displays what it has.

So, to summarize...load the maps separately at install, limit inadvertent installs in the field, keep radar data resident for quick display with possible tab browsing as solution.

As for the Storm Track MESO information, you can read more about the change here. At the top of the third page is where it talks about the strength rank for the MDA.

Interesting..So will 3DCO, UNCO no longer be used? I thought that had more to do with the symmetry of the rotation signature rather than just strength. If so seems we would be perhaps losing some information. However, it's pretty cool they changed the algorithm to only identify MESO (now MDA's) which are co-located within 20km of a SKIT. Guess I need to remember the range 1-25.

RadarLab HD currently works like you are suggesting with keeping data in memory and not downloading it every time. All data that is download (except Radar) is kept in memory and is not downloaded every time the check box is selected. Radar is the only exception to this. You can try this out by clicking on an overlay like the Interstates, US & State Roads, IR Satellite or any other overlay and let it load. Then uncheck and recheck the selection and you will see the the data does not download. Radar is the one exception to this mainly because of the amount of data each image requires to load. Right now I have RadarLab HD set to use a maximum of 256 Megs of memory. And if you have all the overlays turned on with 20 radar animations, it gets pretty close to this amount. It would use a whole lot more memory to make 2 or three different sets of radar images loaded at the same time.
Yeah, I'm talking about the radar data. That somehow needs to not be downloaded each time. The other tools don't do this each time, and it really slows things down when you have to do it. Even if it has to be loaded to disk that would be quicker than a download. I'm thinking (if need be) have it store the images to disk and only download them if they are old.
Radar Station KEOX does not output Level-II radar data. There are a few radar sites that are currently not outputing Level-II data. I think these are all the FAA owned sites. That is why it is not available in RadarLab HD.
the program looks pretty cool, and i like it...

the only thing i dont like is how slow it is to respond...the thing responds, soooooo slowly it actually gets to the point i have to ctrl+alt+delete and terminate the really is a beautiful program, but it just it cripples my computer whenever i use it...

i use the online radar when it comes down to the point where i need to get faster updates...with that said, ive never ever had lagging issues with GRlevel3...i think its because its a javascript thing...i dont know...