With GRLevelX, what's the difference between GRLevel2, GRLeve3 & GRLevelAnalyst?
With GRLevelX, what's the difference between GRLevel2, GRLeve3 & GRLevelAnalyst?
Anyone here use Storm Lab? I used to love using it but after discovering GrLevel3 I haven't used it since.
I have to laugh at the irony. I am perusing my trial version of GRLevel3 and all of the radar data is from a few minutes past 4 AM CST today. Not a very good selling point. Can any users verify this, and let me know why this is? I assume if GR is doing some maintanence or having data feed problems that you have gotten some message indicating as such. Other radar sources are not having this problem.
Same here. I used StormLab back in 2003 and it was great. But now nothing compares to Grlevel3. Plus I like that he actually updates his software.I had a demo version of storm lab a while back and thought it was great but the initial cost vs functionality kept me away, especially given the pro version was much more costly just to have the benefit of metars overlaid. Grlevelx and other software such as Unidata’s IDV made me never look back.
About a year ago just for the heck of it I visited the Storm Lab forums and did a search for GrlevelX vs Storm Lab. Needless to say all threads regarding such a comparison were banned and a number of claims that GrlevelX stole concepts from Storm Lab came to light. When I used Google's cached page search I discovered a number of threads which had been deleted where owners of Storm Lab basically said GrlevelX is superior within the Storm Lab forum itself. I think that pretty much explains everything!!!
So until something comes into existence which is much cheaper than Baron but has the same coverage, more data products and the high resolution radar capabilities and functionality of GrlevelX, Mike's software will continue to dominate.
This also brings up another thing about Grlevelx I'm not that crazy about, and that is animation. Basically you have to have it loaded long enough to build a loop. That may be an hour or more to get some good motion going. With Weathertap you download and play the loop back. So I think they need to improve that also. At least they should provide that as an option.