Weather Station

Jun 30, 2004
Leadville, CO/ Norman, OK
I know there have been some discussions about weather stations in the past, but I have a couple of specific questions. I am interested in buying a weather station that I will put on top of the car for chasing. My budget is low so I was looking at the La Crosse WS-2310, the La Crosse 2315, or the Oregon Scientific WMR968. Are these low quality or do they break easily? Would they be strong/durable enough to use for a mobile mesonet? I was just wondering why they were so much cheaper. Also, I noticed that the La Crosse weather stations had a different type of anemometer (fan type thing, no cups). Is this a bad system?
Originally posted by Charles Kuster
I know there have been some discussions about weather stations in the past, but I have a couple of specific questions. I am interested in buying a weather station that I will put on top of the car for chasing. My budget is low so I was looking at the La Crosse WS-2310, the La Crosse 2315, or the Oregon Scientific WMR968. Are these low quality or do they break easily? Would they be strong/durable enough to use for a mobile mesonet? I was just wondering why they were so much cheaper. Also, I noticed that the La Crosse weather stations had a different type of anemometer (fan type thing, no cups). Is this a bad system?

I have the 2310, and the anemometer broke... Got a new one and it's been good ever since. My biggest complaint (and a complaint that would stop me from getting another one anytime soon) is that the wind speed is off considerably. For instance, you might be driving down the road at 50MPH, while the anemometer is only reading a constant 20-25MPH (and no higher). Perhaps it's just my unit, but I wouldn't buy another one...
For instance, you might be driving down the road at 50MPH, while the anemometer is only reading a constant 20-25MPH (and no higher).

Do you think this is caused by that type of anemometer? I thought the anemometers with cups would be better, but I was not sure. Is there anyone else who has had similar problems with the La Crosse's anemometers? Right now I think I am leaning towards the Oregon Scientific. Thanks for the help!
I use the Oregon Scientific WMR968 and have had no problems with it at my office. I have used the old Oregon Scientific WMR918 since 1997 on our chase unit. I has out lasted 3 chase unit and is still operateing happly on our current chase unit which can be seen here, [url]
I am looking into weather stations as well, the biggest concern I have found is that most (cheaper) weather stations only update windspeed every 15 seconds, or Longer. Thats not helpful considering that wind gusts can happen in 5 seconds or less. The station that ive found that updates windspeeds most often is by Davis Instruments. They update the windspeed every 8 seconds If i can remember correctly. They are a little more expensive but i have heard good things about them. Good luck