i own a wireless weather station and recently noticed a problem with it. the wind direction that is displayed on the base unit inside has become opposite of what the true reading should be, i.e. it's showing a south wind direction when the wind is really out of the north. this has gone on for almost a week now and happens with any direction of wind. the anemometer, temp sensor, and rain gauge is literally on the peak of my roof, and looking at it today, it appears to not have turned at all(i remember the setup of the equipment and what piece was on each arm), and we haven't had a strong enough wind to turn it lately anyways. there is a chance i suppose it did turn exactly 180 degrees, but like i said it seems like it's in the same position. assuming the Earth's poles have not switched, has anyone had any problems like this with their weather station before?! i removed the batteries from the station and tried to reset it, but that didn't help. the station is only about 2 years old. i have noticed that every once in a while on the display it shows only the wind speed and not even a direction arrow for the wind direction. it seems as if this piece of info doesn't get transmitted to the base unit sometimes. sorry to waste anyone's time, but i was just curious if anyone had any ideas or if the station is just probably malfunctioning.