Weather Station/Probe Question

Dec 29, 2005
Florida Keys
Hey guys,

I've been looking around for different weather stations. I was hoping that somebody could give me an insight on what kind of sensors are usually put into tornado probes or similar units. The thing is, most of the weather stations (that are within a reasonable price range) have sampling rate of about 10 seconds. The one I like is the Davis Vantage Pro 2 that samples every 2.5 secs. I guess my question is this. When a tornado passes over the probe, don't you need a nearly continuous sampling rate to record a correct data since tornadoes move at a good speed.
Is more expensive equipment the anwer here ?

Any suggestions, thoughts ?

Thank you.
Davis not good enough.

I wouldn't try to use a Davis for a probe....they or anything in that price range will NOT be strong enough as a probe.

Start with RM Young....and work up from there. That also solves your sampling rate issue.
One of the DIllo-Cams that I made used a Davis anemometer, but that was the only Davis component. I made my own data logger that sampled 6 times every second. I didn't expect the cups to survive the strongest winds though.
Tim Samaris measures the wind with several pressure ports around his probes.
RM Young is the way to go for wind.. but its high $..

But if your are going take the time and trouble of putting a probe in i would have good equipment.