“It will be largely cloudy in the north-west today, with a medium risk of extreme flooding because of climate change…”
Is this the weather forecast of the future?
Forecasters may soon be adding information about the effects of climate change to their reports, thanks to a new service being rolled out by the EU’s earth observation program, Copernicus.
It is currently looking for a company to pilot its climate change information service. The aim is to use the information on extreme weather events and how they relate to climate change to boost public awareness, distributing it via weather agencies and the media.
The service will also be made available to a range of intergovernmental organizations and businesses concerned with the effects of climate change on society, for example in the legal, health and insurance sectors.
C3S pulls on science from the World Climate Research Program to provide climate data and information to scientists, consultants, planners, and policy-makers.
Climate change in real-time
Directly linking human activity and extreme weather is a tricky and evolving science. But by tying the two, scientists hope climate change will become less abstract and the public more aware of their role in influencing floods, droughts, and heatwaves.
Interactive version: Mapped: How climate change affects extreme weather around the world
A recent analysis by climate science website Carbon Brief of research in this area concluded that over two-thirds of extreme weather events were made more likely or more severe because of humans.
Is this the weather forecast of the future?
Forecasters may soon be adding information about the effects of climate change to their reports, thanks to a new service being rolled out by the EU’s earth observation program, Copernicus.
It is currently looking for a company to pilot its climate change information service. The aim is to use the information on extreme weather events and how they relate to climate change to boost public awareness, distributing it via weather agencies and the media.

The service will also be made available to a range of intergovernmental organizations and businesses concerned with the effects of climate change on society, for example in the legal, health and insurance sectors.
C3S pulls on science from the World Climate Research Program to provide climate data and information to scientists, consultants, planners, and policy-makers.
Climate change in real-time
Directly linking human activity and extreme weather is a tricky and evolving science. But by tying the two, scientists hope climate change will become less abstract and the public more aware of their role in influencing floods, droughts, and heatwaves.

Interactive version: Mapped: How climate change affects extreme weather around the world
A recent analysis by climate science website Carbon Brief of research in this area concluded that over two-thirds of extreme weather events were made more likely or more severe because of humans.