Weather-related (in name) Businesses and signs

Bill Hark

Jan 13, 2004
Richmond Virginia
Below are a couple of images of signs with a meteorological term or relationship. Any in your area or seen while traveling?

Bar and restaurant in Atlanta


The small restaurant in The Weather Channel office building (not open to the public!)


Bill Hark
Whilst chasing near Manly, Iowa, Mike Kruze and I came upon "TVS, Inc." This was as we were stopped at a train crossing with a possible tornado coming towards the dark. Unfortunately, I know I don't have a picture and I'm pretty sure Mike doesn't either.
Drove through Franklin, KS the other day and noticed a small establishment named "Twisters" which appeared to be a bar/grill. You will remember Franklin was hit hard by a damaging tornado back in 2003. The path was still somewhat visible by sheered trees and structures under repair. Don't know if the little place was named before or after the storm.
Interesting Sign

Saw this sign while on a tour at the National Center for Atmospheric Research just outside of Boulder CO last Labor Day Weekend. Makes you wonder where they really put the "rest rooms" !!!


Thanks to cedwards for his assistance. LJK.
Seems to be working or thought it was in preview

Make sure you put the link in between the [ img ] LINK HERE [ /img ] tags and it should work.

EDIT...never mind its showing some sort of add instead of the actual pic. Oh well.
You need to put the URL for the actual IMAGE and not a web page with an image in it. Unfortunatley that web site does not allow you to put images on other sites. Many free web space providers do this to limit bandwidth theft. The only solution for that is to save the image and host it on a different site.
Inside the Reynolds Center on the University of Tulsa campus is a store that sells items bearing the team logo. Their teams' nickname is the Golden Hurricane, so the store is called Hurricane Alley. I'm no texactly sure of the origin of that name, but TU had as strong football team back in the 1940's; they even won a couple of major bowls, I believe.

You'd think a school in Tornado Alley would have a team name like the Twisters or something similar, but no, they have to name their teams after a tropical storm! It may fit though, because hurricanes spin off tornadoes, and TU has produced a few outstanding players over the years.

Tulsa also has a restaurant, Tsunami Shushi. :shock:
You'd think a school in Tornado Alley would have a team name like the Twisters or something similar, but no, they have to name their teams after a tropical storm! It may fit though, because hurricanes spin off tornadoes, and TU has produced a few outstanding players over the years.

There is always the Memphis, Texas Cyclones with a nice little tornado with eyes and a mouth as the mascot.

I will get a picture of their sign on my 1st chase down hwy 287.
Tim has a pic on his site. Don't think he'll mind me linking to it. Memphis TX Cyclones. Kinda small.

I hate fightin' with those cyclones!
