Lighten UP!!!!!! I have it from the inside that this week they start guest weather casters-Monday its Joy Behar, Tues is Richard Heene, Wed is Glenn Beck, Thurs is Adam West, Fri is Tom Cruise, Saturday is Whoopee Goldburg (Who will discuss in detail the Jericurl effect) and Sunday its Yoko Ono. This should provide some entertainment
Thanks for making me laugh this morning Dennis!!!
Like many have already said, I too remember the days of TWC lore. Back when TWC actually provided useful weather information! I remember back then if you wanted weather info during the day (when no local news was on) the only source of weather data that was really available to Joe Public was TWC. Of course nowadays, everyone and their mother use other means to access weather information other than TWC TV broadcast. Is this because TWC stinks or because it's easier for people to get information from non-TV sources?
I think it's primarily a combination of the two (I am sure other factors as well though).
Most people I know these days who might need weather information from time to time either have weather Apps on their phone or check for the information on the Internet (of course sadly many still check TWC website-another topic for another day). With these two forms of data access available to everyone, it's no wonder that their TV audience is dwindling.
But one can still not ignore the fact that the quality of TWC has declined significantly. I stopped watching regularly back in the early 2000's when it became clear that significant weather occurred ONLY within ATLANTA proper

. It's kind of funny to do a test these days. Oftentimes, when I'm at home and a there are confirmed tornados occurring somewhere, I turn on the TV and flip between TWC and CNN. I have to say, all political affiliation aside (as CNN might not represent my political views at all), I generally find that CNN has much better coverage of these severe events. Another problem with the quality of TWC is that there are way to many commercials! I know they have to pay the bills, but the local on the eights take WAY to long and there must be at least 4 minutes out of every ten spent on commercial break. They will never capture anyone for longer then ten minutes with that type of programming rational.
The fact that TWC has now decided to air movies is troubling to say the least. How in anyway will this help increase viewership during their normal weather programming? Oh wait I can see it now, the conversation going on in millions of households across the U.S. on Sat. morning: "Hey honey, that Misery movie on TWC last night was awesome! Maybe we should actually start watching TWC again for their WEATHER programming". Doesn't make much sense to me.
Whatever the case, I hope that someone at TWC realizes that they need to revamp the way they distribute weather information. I guess at least they are "trying". Maybe a TV network devoted entirely to weather will just not survive in the age of the internet and cell phone weather Apps. I honestly do hope the weather channel can survive and turn itself around. It would be nice to be able to leave my TV on all day with weather info. I just can't do it now as their programming is absolutely worthless at times!
Sorry for the rant, I have been wanting to say these things for years and am glad to have finally found a place to do so!
Just a side note- Obviously, my views on TWC definitely DO NOT represent those of my employer.