WANTED: 13" or 15" LCD monitor

Oct 2, 2006
Montréal, Qc, Canada
Hi guys,

Because space is limited in my car I will put laptop mount on the rear seat and just get a LCD TV to the front (with wireless keyb/mouse).

Now I need a LCD screen. I think I can go with a 15" but if anyone could find any 13" would be great.
Hi guys,

Because space is limited in my car I will put laptop mount on the rear seat and just get a LCD TV to the front (with wireless keyb/mouse).

Now I need a LCD screen. I think I can go with a 15" but if anyone could find any 13" would be great.

Ummm, Ok.

Can I suggest another option?


Unless you need WXworx which in my opinion is totally worthless for chasing now since I get data via the cell phone just about everywhere and now cast updates for $20 a month, why do you need a laptop up and running?

I have done several chases now where the laptop is along for the ride but everything is done over the pocket pc.