Wall cloud refresher

May 31, 2004
Peotone, IL
We are getting down to storm season so for those who like to follow me or the newer chasers out there I am going to attempt to put a little comparison together here to educate why to look for a rotating wall cloud vs a non rotating wall cloud. A wall cloud is defined by the AMS as "a local, often abrupt lowering from a cumulonimbus cloud base into a low-hanging accessory cloud, normally a kilometer or more in diameter. A wall cloud marks the lower portion of a very strong updraft, usually associated with a supercell or severe multicell storm. It typically develops near the precipitation region of the cumulonimbus. Wall clouds that exhibit significant rotation and vertical motions often precede tornado formation by a few minutes to an hour." However it is also to be noted that not all wall clouds are tornadic or even rotate! Any thunderstorm can in theory have a wall cloud associated with it. The key is to look for rotation and call in those reports.

Some simple things to think about when you think you see a wall cloud.... First is it in the right region of the storm? Are you seeing a low hanging cloud on the forward flank of the storm or the rain free base? Another question to ask is is this feature pointing toward or away from the rain? Shelf clouds generally point out away from the precipitation while wall clouds generally point toward the rain. I will have examples below. Is this feature rising? Slowly rotating? Intense rotation? Or bowing out? Is it possible to have tornadoes that don't have wall clouds associated with them? Absolutely! It is also possible for HP supercells to produce a wall cloud buried within the notch of the storm near the NE quadrant of the supercell. However unless you are tucked your way into the notch you would never see it from a distance away because you will be blocked by wrapping rain curtains.

I am going to post some photos below about what a wall cloud is and what a shelf cloud is. In each of these photos I will identify the feature, where it was, the direction I was facing, and what was going on at the time the picture was taken.

This is a low-precipitation supercell shot in Western Texas near Floydada on April 21st, 2010. Looking to the south west we have a rotating thunderstorm and 3 inflow streamers flowing from the left to right on the left hand side of the photo. LCL's this day were very high so tornado production wasn't a concern. Underneath the rain free base you see little scud tags that were rising into the storm but it just did not have low level rotation. Therefore there was no wall cloud evident and nothing to be reported.

This is another example (although tougher) of wall cloud vs not a wall cloud. We have a supercell in Southern South Dakota on May 24th, 2010. We are looking south south west with a previously tornado warned storm. The heavy rain/hail is to the right and the updraft region was to the left. This storm was screaming north at 60 miles per hour and had strong inflow. At the point in time where this photo was taken a lowering was evident out of the rain free base. I suppose you can call it a wall cloud at this point but 4 minutes later....​
A little better defined lowering was now evident. However the storm rapidly diminished in intensity and eventually fell apart a little after this. The key is to look for rotation. There was very broad/unorganized rotation at this point and was not an imminent tornado producer.

Here is an example of something that someone may call a wall cloud because of the lowerings and sinister looking sky but it is nothing more than a harmless shelf cloud. Photo taken June 18th, 2010 near Janesville, WI.

Examples of clear cut wall clouds:

Intense rotation was noted in the three images above. Shot #1 was near Groom, TX 4/22/10, Shot #2 was near Farmington, IL 6/5/10, and Shot #3 was near Kiester, MN 6/17/10.


Obviously if you are out there chasing and see something like this it is a no brainer to call it in!
Great write up and pictures, Danny. Here's some video examples of a non-rotating wall cloud and a violently rotating wall cloud I got this year for comparison:

June 11, 2010 in Colorado:
This storm was tornado warned, and had some photogenic structure and a good look-a-like scud funnel. The tornado warning and scud-funnel prompted what was probably a false funnel cloud report out of the storm. No strong rotation was observed, just bowing out motion.

June 17, 2010 in Minnesota:
Very strong rotation in this wall cloud followed by tornadogenesis. The difference in motion between the two videos is quite dramatic.
Wanted to bring up a question. 9/15/2010 I got suckered into a secondary area of rotation towards the front of the meso that day a lot. Granted had I had radar I wouldnt have been fooled but that entire storm I kicked the pooch thinking I was on the right wall cloud, in the right position when come to find out I wasnt. In some cases, multiple wall clouds can seem to be present with obvious rotation. Best way to describe it is like when tornadoes form on the NE quadrant of an HP yet no tornadoes formed where I was. Without the presence of a visible RFD do we call it in as a rotating wall cloud if we can see rotation or do we need the rfd to be present before calling it in?
Do you have pictures or video, Jordan? A rotating wall cloud should always be reported whether you see an obvious RFD cut or not. On June 17 there were two mesocyclones, each with a wall cloud, and it was the more forward one that was dominant and produced the F4, so perhaps you were not on the wrong part of the storm?
For all the complex weather discussions on StormTrack, it is great to see you guys remember to bring up the basics too.

Wall clouds seem to be hell for local spotters. When you only see one tornadic storm every 5 years, you don't gain the experience needed. Every dark cloud becomes "a possible wall cloud".

For me.....Some are obvious. But, for those that aren't......I just wait. Give it a minute. Keep watching. It will show itself one way or the other if you just give it time. Look at ALL the features. I can't count the times I've been REALLLLLY suspicious that I was looking at a wall cloud, only to have it prove itself not to be within 1-2 minutes. I would have been horrified if I had called in a wall cloud, only to realise a few minutes later it wasn't. I think a lot of people get excited, and want to report as fast as possible....and get bit.
Danny, thank you for starting this thread. For those with little to no experience, refreshers are important, especially if they live in an area that doesn't see a lot of severe weather. The one issue I have with the spotter training the NWS puts on is poor quality illustrations used in the spotter manuals and sometimes poor graphics/videos used in the training presentation. I've attended training in many states, some great, some not so much.

Threads like this are a great tool. Yes the more involved discussions are great, but you don't feed a 3 day old infant a prime rib dinner.
LARGE wall cloud. If you cannot discern what this is out in the field, I would recommend going back to training.
Great thread, thanks for starting this Danny. And great photo, L.B.!

This is a rapidly rotating wall cloud. Note the striations in the wall cloud and the tail (inflow bands) feeding into the wall cloud on the right.
