Volunteers For Rescue Operation

Apr 16, 2004
Austin, Tx
I was wondering if any of you were thinking of grabbing a boat and heading to New Orleans etc to assist in the recovery and rescue operations? Do you think this is feasible given blocked roadways etc?
I wasn't talking about impersonating a first responder. I was talking about people showing up and volunteering to help out other organizations with any relief efforts - assuming they need man power.

I agree it could be a crazy situation down there though. It's not just a bunch of old people sitting on their roofs waiting to be rescued. Sounds like anarchy has broken out and anything goes. This of course will just get worse. They will need the guys with M16's very soon to do it right. That said, there are still a ton of people that really do need rescue by helicopters and now boat. With no water and disease spreading these people don't have much time. They need a ton of resources immediately to get these folks out in time or it will be too late.
As a volunteer firefighter for 17 years, I can tell you that they won't let you in to do this. As good as it may sound, they require trained and qualified individuals who can handle any of these tasks. As admirable as it sounds, I think highly of you for the idea, you will be rejected. If not solely for insurance reasons.
They will allow for volunters to assit in recovery, here in a couple of days. They may not allow Billy Bob and His sister betty lou to come strolling in with their john boat but the red cross and I am sure other orginazations will be looking for volunteers.
Call your local Red Cross and sign on with them. They will put you where needed or best fitted for what you can help on.
They will allow for volunters to assit in recovery, here in a couple of days. They may not allow Billy Bob and His sister betty lou to come strolling in with their john boat but the red cross and I am sure other orginazations will be looking for volunteers.
In a couple of days, they won't need boat volunteers. They are calling for them right now. The question is, do the cops running the roadblocks on I-10 know that? With little to no communications, I suspect the story you get will vary with every official you talk to.

The Lost Creek example is completely irrelevant to this situation. You cannot reasonably translate experiences with Podunk VFD to the management of a disaster of this magnitude. And it is irresponsible to insinuate Bill is suggesting impersonation or buff-like behaviour. That's way off base.

It's a darned risky move. As has been mentioned, the hazards are innumerable, hidden, and uncommunicated. Not only are you dealing with the environmental hazards, but the human hazards of desparate people. If they decide they want your truck or boat, it's theirs. I don't think I'd do it. You're just as likely to end up being just another victim instead of a rescuer. But it's a noble thought, and it's a personal decision.

The Red Cross suggestion is, in most cases, the best way to go.
Harry Lee (Jefferson Parish Sheriff) called for anybody with a boat to come in for rescue detail...anybody, even Joe Bob Nobody. And the way it was worded, it almost didn't seem like just a request.

Comparing individuals that want to help in an ongoing major disaster, which has completely exausted local resources, to the Lost Creek situation is completely rediculous.
I expect you would feel differently if you were trapped in your attic right now. :wink:
"5:04 P.M. - Officials are asking anyone with a boat that wants to help with rescue operations to call 225-765-2706."

This note appeared in the WWL TV blog online.

I was thinking today that with time running out for potentially thousands of people, it's time to stop worrying about who is trained and who isn't, so long as they can pilot some kind of watercraft.
I am Joe Bob Nobody. I know the city. and have have a fat flat bottom boat, and was ready to join the local convoy to N.O. That all changed after watching the looters. New Orleans is a dirty dangerous place. Probablyly cleaner now with sewage floating around. Lets say all the other Joe Bobs, Billy Rays and Bubbas couldent give a rats ass about N.O.
My efforts will be elsewhere.
The only way i'd volunteer is if I was authorized to carry a weapon and use it against lootting/theft of my boat or items in my immediate control.

It's unfortunately come to this point.

Bring in the gunships.
The only way i'd volunteer is if I was authorized to carry a weapon and use it against lootting/theft of my boat or items in my immediate control.
They're not stopping looters from carrying guns. You wouldn't think they would stop you either. It's probably "don't ask, don't tell."
What we need is volunteer amateur radio operators down there helping if that is possible in some way. Communications are still down in most areas.