Video Review: Amos Magliocco's "Seven Years On Cyclone

Dec 12, 2003
Conway, AR
First, my apologies to Amos for this long overdue review. With the Spring season over, I often find myself searching for something to fight the onset of SDS, and Amos Magliocco's "Seven Years on Cyclone Road" helps fill the bill.

The DVD is appropriately titled as Amos takes us through his last seven years of storm chasing through both video and photography. The first three years' story is told through some beautiful photographs following the video portion of the DVD while the remaining years are told through video, and because of that, Amos' chases from 2000 through 2003 are the main meat of this video.

Chase 2000 is covered through a montage of events showcasing the best clips of the few good chase days there were that year, which leads into the 2001, where the video begins in earnest. Amos had several great catches this year, beginning with the May 6 Marietta, OK tornado. The video of this tornado is not only tripoded and smartly shot but also includes a rather interesting conversation. The May 27 Kansas gust-fest with incredible structure is also included along with some spectacular footage from the October 9 Oklahoma tornado outbreak and the Mountain View F3.

The 2002 season features the window-smashing hail event near Vick, TX on May 4th (there's very little on Amos' vehicle that escaped damage this day), and the May 5 Happy, TX tornadoes, as Amos filmed the development of the dusty wedge from town before having to duck out of the way of nearby development.

For 2003, Amos again shows a nice montage of days with a focus placed on the May 9 night chase and the monster Stratford, TX storm of May 15. While May 9 shows just how hard it is to successfully chase at night, May 15 shows why the TX panhandle with a wide-open view and incredible road network often leads to chaser-heaven when the atmosphere cooperates as Amos and Steve Miller watch the supercell put down an incredible wedge and beautiful elephant trunk simultaneously.

This is a good first effort at a highlight video production by Amos, and I'll certainly be looking forward to his future releases. To order "Seven Years On Cyclone Road," go to:

Jason Politte
Conway, AR
Bought one!

Sounds like a good review. I went ahead and bought one on E-Bay. This makes a good companion DVD to the Extreme Instability IV "Plains Gone Wild" DVD that I bought earlier. This video compliation of the 2004 chase season was produced by Mike Hollingshead. You can find that DVD in another thread in this forum.
Just watched "Seven Years on Cyclone Road" Monday night. I won't add a review since Jason's pretty well sums it up.

Great video with dialogue also and actually kept my wifes attention, which she gets bored of my weather enthusiasum

Great buy and I had no problems viewing on a widescreen.

Thanks for sharing your chases with us Amos

Link to "Seven Years on Cyclone Road"