video imbed code?

If I wanted to embed this video: I'd take the text after the "=", in this case "oCRE9qOgbug" and place it between the YouTube tags like this: "[:Dyoutube]4XFXZrRgx_U[/youtube:D]". Remove the smiley faces to make it work. Without them it just posts the video, even with the quotes.

But anyways, minus the smiley faces that will give you this:

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aw crap i read this wrong I didnt realize you were asking about a video from vimeo...Im many beers into the night and shouldnt be online...sorry. Im not sure how to do vimeo.

Trying again

Nevermind, I tried to get it to work and thought that I just hit preview and gave up. But I'll leave this faux paux up so that Jason's reply makes sense below. I tried a bunch of things, but evidently one of those times I hit 'post' instead of 'preview'. My bad.

BTW Jason, media tags was one of the things I tried. Maybe it works, but not int he manner I tried it. I tried [media][/media] to no avail.
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Trying again

Wes...I think I tried already...but switch the word 'vimeo' with 'media'. I actually have a suspicion that the board has to be set for it. Tim V likely can verify how it is set on ST.

I went to your page on Vimeo Stephen Locke's Vimeo and of any video of yours I look at there is an icon on each one that says "Embed" with this symbol </> above it. I simply clicked on that icon and the results it brought up were somewhat long, but when I copy and paste that text into a reply here on ST it embeds the video, but it also includes your signature line. Perhaps if you can tweak your settings on Vimeo to get rid of the signature line you would have the Vimeo video all by itself. I hope this makes sense, but maybe you were looking for an easier way.


PS - I went back 5 minutes later and it didn't work, so this is really odd.
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