Verizon iPhone - Finally Here

This will be a tough choice for me; Verizon's plans are so much more expensive than Alltel's, and I'm still locked in on my old Alltel unlimited data (with tethering) plan. I think we pay $120 a month after tax for two lines with 1000 minutes to share, 1000 texts to share, and with one smartphone with unlimited data and tethering. With Verizon and an iPhone, assuming existing data and phone plans, this would cost significantly more. And I have a feeling that Verizon is going to charge a big chunk extra for tethering, as they do with Android. Once the data plans come out, I'll know for sure what I'll be doing. I can get by using an iPod touch and a Cradlepoint attached to my smartphone, if I have to; it's worked pretty well up to now.

Sooner or later I'll have to switch to Verizon, though; my Alltel contract will be grandfathered forever if I keep this exact kind of smartphone, but I doubt I'll be using a PPC6800 a few years from now, iPhone or no. Sooner or later they won't be available for sale, even used.
Simultaneous voice/data is something we have been trying to get accomplished for a while, but it hasn't happened yet.. The problem with ATT is that they have their voice and data on the same frequencies, so it really ties up their system..

Ryan - Yeah, the Altell plans are definitely cheaper.. Although we have some plans that are specific to Oklahoma/Texas/Arkansas citizens that may be better deals. I have upgraded people on Altell plans to smartphones such as the Droid X with no problem.. The only time you may run into major issues is if your Altell plan is not a nationwide plan.

As for tethering, I am not sure what will happen on the iphone, but Wifi tether is 20$ month on the android devices, but free on the palm devices.. However you can tether with free apps in the market on the android devices at no cost.
I was one of the doubters, and recently too. When you've been reading things over the past few years about the iPhone inevitably coming to Verizon to only have another Apple Expo go by with no mention of it at all, it's hard not to doubt right? Anyway, this is good for everyone and I'll be curious to see when an LTE iPhone is announced. Because why buy an iPhone now that can only do 3G and be locked into it for 2 years when an LTE version might be out this summer?

Yeah the rumors went on forever.. Once the iPad came over, I knew it was only a matter of time. We knew it was coming before christmas, but they would never announce that before the holidays, because no one would shop then. lol.

I just wish they would have made it a LTE device, but oh well.. Maybe with the iPhone 5....

Also, I don't think the iPhone is the greatest gift in cell phones. I think VZW just did it for the customer base, since that's one of the main things holding ATT together.
The iphone is old news! Its all about Android now! Who would want that old POS phone anyways :P

But in all seriousness, I'll pass on another iphone, theyre all the same anyways. Im getting either the Droid Bionic or the HTC Thunderbolt when they come out. Android is just so much better, hands down, in my opinion.
Good that we got an Droid or HTC plug in here. I was concerned there for a little while. All of us here in this iPhone thread are very interested in your opinion.
I was hoping they'd add a little more "tech" for the first Verizon iPhone. It's hasn't been released yet, and it's already out-teched by some of the other newly-released phones (e.g. Droid Bionic, Moto Atrix 4G -- even if it is dubious of Motorola to consider HSPA+ a 4G technology). No dual-core processor? No LTE capability? I know this is more about bringing the iPhone environment/system (including all of the iPhone apps, etc.) to Verizon and less about bringing forth the best, most technologically-capable phone, but it's still a bit disappointing. Of course, I think they are banking on folks jumping into the iPhone system, and then wanting an upgrade next year when, undoubtedly, they bring forth a 4G/LTE-capable phone (presumably with a better processor, better integrated graphics, etc.).

I have no doubt the iPhone willl be a winner for Verizon, regardless, and I have little doubt that AT&T is going to be hurt by an exodus of customers to Verizon. The good news is it results in more choices for the consumer, and, since Kim and I will probably leaving AT&T in the coming few months, it never hurts to have more choices.
I was hoping they'd add a little more "tech" for the first Verizon iPhone. It's hasn't been released yet, and it's already out-teched by some of the other newly-released phones (e.g. Droid Bionic, Moto Atrix 4G -- even if it is dubious of Motorola to consider HSPA+ a 4G technology). No dual-core processor? No LTE capability? I know this is more about bringing the iPhone environment/system (including all of the iPhone apps, etc.) to Verizon and less about bringing forth the best, most technologically-capable phone, but it's still a bit disappointing. Of course, I think they are banking on folks jumping into the iPhone system, and then wanting an upgrade next year when, undoubtedly, they bring forth a 4G/LTE-capable phone (presumably with a better processor, better integrated graphics, etc.).

I have no doubt the iPhone willl be a winner for Verizon, regardless, and I have little doubt that AT&T is going to be hurt by an exodus of customers to Verizon. The good news is it results in more choices for the consumer, and, since Kim and I will probably leaving AT&T in the coming few months, it never hurts to have more choices.

Jeff pretty much hit it on the head... Personally, like I said earlier. I don't think Verizon cares so much about the iPhone, as they do about getting the customers from ATT... If they did, they would have waited and made it an LTE phone, with more impressive specs.

I think Motorola together with Android is the way of the future with Verizon, personally.
Well for years I have been saying get me a Verizon iphone and I will be first in line. The day has come and I am rather blah on the announcement.

It's so freaking expensive for the service, if that's something your into great.

I know there are people who live and die by "The Network" however I have not found it to be all that much greater than the other CDMA networks, you can read my blog for my feelings on that.

Radarscope is a great app for the iPhone and to me reason enough to get one as a chaser. There is still not a GREAT radar app for Android.

My current iPhone 4 also has an amazing battery, I can use it all day without needing any charge. I can really do anything I want all day without worry about chargers, my android phone will need a boost at the end of the day to get to bedtime.

So if I was already drinking the Verizon koolaid and could get a new phone? Yea buy the iphone! Why pay all that money every month and not get the best phone money can buy.

If your on another carrier like Sprint and thinking about switching? Yea get your wallet out not sure if I can justify the additional cost to move to Verizon.
I read an article on engadget that said Verizon iPhone data plan was $25/ 2gb or $45 for 2gb and tethering. Not sure if that's correct, but pretty sure all android phones have a 5gb cap for $30.
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Good that we got an Droid or HTC plug in here. I was concerned there for a little while. All of us here in this iPhone thread are very interested in your opinion.

I have an HTC Evo on Sprint and really have no intention on ditching my android device or my service provider. This is just a lot of over hyped news about an okay piece of tech if you ask me.
I have an HTC Evo on Sprint and really have no intention on ditching my android device or my service provider. This is just a lot of over hyped news about an okay piece of tech if you ask me.

Same feelings here after going through at least half a dozen Iphones. I dropped and miss calls on average every 3rd call, so im interested to see if the phone does better with Verizon. Not everybodys personal experience i know, just mine and alot of my friends. I loved the Iphone, but i have to have basic communication.
let me say this.......

I work for Verizon..... I carry an HTC EVO from Sprint..... LOL

I am interested in the new Droid Bionic...

Verizon has some promos in ONLY the southern regions that make Sprint/VZW nearly comparable.. In fact they would be if VZW gave me the same discount as sprint did per month..
I'd more seriously consider Sprint, but north of Penn. in the northeast....they completely vanish. It will be interesting to see how Verizon performs with the data intensive phone and new sign ups. On the east coast Verizon is KING! Sprint is a near second. There are tons of iPhone users, but as mentioned the price tends to mean these are the wealthier folks that don't head into rural areas where the AT&T network vanishes. Even still the complaints I've heard from so many of these AT&T folks (not exclusive to iPhone users either) about network tie ups, busy signals, and dropped calls just tells me that it's not worth it at any price. However, so much is different in the central US than here, it's hard for me to judge. I really have to look at what you guys encounter before I would make a decision and that means likely an entire Chase Season of research.