User moderators...

Self Moderation

  • Total voters
Feb 29, 2004
Rochester Hills, Michigan, United States of Americ
This is something that bothers me for some unknown and stupid reason...

When somebody finds a posting that is against the rules (particularly in the Map Room), why not PM the person? Or contact a mod and let them handle it? Instead, there seems to be a few select people who point out EVERY flaw, rehash the guidelines, and play Mr. Moderator. Simple PM's would work nicely.

Just wanted to see what everyone else thinks about this...
EDIT: I just realized I completely misunderstood the poll not once but twice number of times. Sheesh. Consider my votes 'no' and 'yes' respectively. Trust me, folks, I'm brighter than this. Sometimes, it doesn't show...
No and no. The moderation by non-moderators comes off as preachy and high-handed, if not downright snobbish, annoying, and hostile. The same thing is true of PMming. The moderators here do, for the most part, a fine job. Anyone else butting in is totally not cool. We all make mistakes sometimes, meaning we all live in little pink glass houses.

Don't throw stones is all I'm saying.
Yes and yes.

I think it's just fine for people to "butt in" per se.

Anything that keeps ST running more parallel to the rules that have been set down, and more smoothly, gets my vote.

Unfortunately, usually well-meant comments about keeping things on-topic or adhering to the forums rules are misconstrued as someone being "haughty, getting on their "high-horse", or otherwise being very aloof. But I'm all for some self-policing. It would make the mods jobs much easier on here too......if it were taken in the right way.


I'm not saying that I disagree with self-appointed "mods" ... I'm disagreeing with the way some of them go about it. All they need to do is hit the PM button and let the person know, not clutter up the thread with information even more useless than what the offending poster had.

If you ask me, that just adds more clutter, makes the wanna-mod look bad, and makes the offending poster feel shameful. PM's would eliminate all of those problems ... But again, the REAL mods are almost 100% on top of things anyway, so unless things are totally out of hand and the mods are no where to be seen, there isn't really a problem (or a need for the self-appointers).
I honestly cannot see how self appointed mods will help make things run more smoothly. People will fight and others will be afraid to post things. I am afraid there may be hard feelings left as a result and some people might take things personally. Plus some self mods could take things too far, some are strict, and others not. Afterall, this IS the internet we're talking about here.

I strongly believe that the moderating should be left up to the board moderators who were instructed to do so. And yes it all should be done in private. I feel we have enough moderators here, they do a good job keeping on top of things.
I honestly cannot see how self appointed mods will help make things run more smoothly. People will fight and others will be afraid to post things. I am afraid there may be hard feelings left as a result and some people might take things personally. Plus some self mods could take things too far, some are strict, and others not. Afterall, this IS the internet we're talking about here.

I strongly believe that the moderating should be left up to the board moderators who were instructed to do so. And yes it all should be done in private. I feel we have enough moderators here, they do a good job keeping on top of things.

I agree.

If there is a problem with someone's post, I think the best thing to do is to use the "report" button. That button sends a PM to the moderators and then we can choose to fix the thread if it violates the rules. I think it's a good system because you can point out that the thread violated the rules, but remain anonymous to the person who made the post. That way, moderators can handle it without bickering or knit-picking between members.