I don't see a link on your post, but think I found the camera. Are you looking at item #180483710160 ?
If so, I'd say that the price is a little high. You can find XT bodies for ~$200 at places like the Fredmiranda buy/sell forums. (Probably a better place to buy as well. You'll usually get honest answers from people who understand cameras.) The 28~90 lens has apparently gone through several revisions, with later releases probably performing better. Best to ask which version is involved, and do some research. If it's an early revision, I doubt it and the cheap tele-extender are quite worth $180+
The XT will take great pictures, but keep in mind that it's a cheap plastic camera with Chiclet control buttons and a tiny, dim viewfinder. Trust me, I have one! I enjoy the pics it takes, but curse the overall 'cheapness' with every breath. I'm not judging, just clarifying. This isn't a Hasselblad, it's not an old Canon A-1, it's a Drebel!
The sensor's 1.6x 'crop factor' means that you won't get truly wide angle shots, which are VERY useful for photographing weather, without spending your entire budget on a single lens. A reasonable temporary solution would be to buy one of the 'kit' lenses, the 18~55mm is 'sorta wide.' Be sure to get the Mk II lens, which has somewhat better optics than the original release. Shutterblade are good guys... Ebay Item 230451553587, 60 bucks.
You might consider buying some old manual focus lenses for the camera. They are cheap, reasonably fast and quite sharp. In exchange you lose seamless zooming, AF, and some exposure modes. (Darren Addy ought to de-cloak at any minute - he loves the things.)
(Frankly, for the $, I'd buy myself an old 35mm film camera and 24mm and 50mm lenses. Another $100 gets you a proper 17 or 18mm super wide by Tokina, Vivitar, etc.) The remaining $100~200+ will buy lots of film and processing.
Or plonk $150 for a decent digital point and shoot and start saving your pennies. Forget pixels! Instead, look for a sharp, fast lens, widest possible field of view, and good low-light performance.