For what it's worth, you can get the VX2100 online (from a reputable dealer) for about $2200-$2300, full with US warranty and all. Notice that I explicity mentioned "reputable", since there are many bait-and-switch types of places that require much carefulness.
Other suggestions priced less than the Sony VX2100:
Canon GL2 (~$2000 + $250 mail-in rebate) (3CCD)
Panasonic PV-GS400 (~$1100) (3CCD)
Canon Optura Xi (~$900-950) (single CCD)
Sony DCR-HC1000 (~$1200) (3CCD, though each chip is tiny at 1/4.7")
A few more I'm sure that I'm forgetting...
Note that I don't have any particular experience with any of those camcorders, I just quickly looked at some specs and prices so take it for what it's worth...
My main decision (before the FX1 came out) was between the Sony VX2100 and the Canon GL2. Both are clearly prosumer camcorders... Those listed above are mainly (save the GL2) more consumer camcorders than prosumer camcorders, as mostly evidenced by CCD chip size (and semi-related low-light performance), manual controls, quality of picture, quality of sound, quality of lens (semi-inherent in quality of picture), etc, all of which can vary significantly from model to model, so try to go to a video store and try them out for yourself.
As for weather you'll see a difference in picture quality? I never thought there was a big difference between my current Canon Optura Pi miniDV camcorder and a cam like the VX2100 or the Canon GL2. I was, however, quality surprised by how much better quality picture these camcorders produce relative to mine. The low-light situations, the difference between the VX2100 and my Canon Optura is like night and day... The picture is much sharper and less grainy. Granted, it's still the same miniDV format, but it's enough to make me upgrade...