
John Farley

Apr 1, 2004
Pagosa Springs, CO
I don't know whose idea this new color scheme was, but it does not work! The red print against the dark gray background is pretty much unreadable. Please reconsider!
Every time I try that it logs me out and won't let me log in, saying I need to accept cookies. But I do accept cookies. The site was better before this so-called "improvement."
I have to agree with John on this. The red on the dark gray background is difficult to read. I changed the settings to the light style, and this is far better. As a suggestion, if you want the dark style, change the dark gray to black, please.
I like it, though the red can be hard to read. I have noticed that if you "mouse over" the red parts, they get much brighter and MUCH easier to read. I have always liked dark themes, and have used a couple techniques to darken bright pages for a long time.
I thought it was just me (I thought it was unfriendly for us colorblind folk). I did try to switch to the light theme but have not yet been successful.
James Hammett said:
"John Farley said:
Every time I try that it logs me out and won't let me log in, saying I need to accept cookies. But I do accept cookies.
Whats odd is it worked fine for me, thats why I posted the link .lol.
(though depending on which computer I use, there's also a link in the very bottom left corner in some cases)

That red could be brightened (or changed to something else - cyan for example looks really nice in place of it on this page) by editing the CSS files here if the Mods/Admins have access to doing so