Aaron Kennedy
I stated earlier:
All fine and dandy if the GCM predicts climatology. What I'm running into with one GCM in my research is that it misses over HALF of all high cloud events (> 6km) greater than 3 hr in length at a specific location. Considering the same model rarely has false alarms when comparing to observation data... there are significant issues with coming up with an accurate climatology of clouds. If that's off, then I also have to question how well it will perform in the future.
Over time, any forecasting model worth its jock should work out to climatology (for temperature, precip. etc.) for any given location. It may miss events (resulting in bad forecats in the short term), but over the long term it should be correct (for climate). The climate models aren't simply taking WRF/GFS to 100000000000 hours and saying yes, the climate will be warming.
All fine and dandy if the GCM predicts climatology. What I'm running into with one GCM in my research is that it misses over HALF of all high cloud events (> 6km) greater than 3 hr in length at a specific location. Considering the same model rarely has false alarms when comparing to observation data... there are significant issues with coming up with an accurate climatology of clouds. If that's off, then I also have to question how well it will perform in the future.