Shawn Camp
Dear Chasers
OK I ran across this 2.0 usb drive thing at Best Buy that supposedly I can use it in my USB port and get Wifi Connection ???? but here is the question what is the service like across Tx- west,North,North West,Panhandle, OKlahoma-Central, Western, Southwest and through that chase area. ???????? Anyone can tell me I'de appreciate it alot. and Chasers please tell me about your wifi experiences

"Keeping You 4-Warned"
Shawn C.
Fox 4-Warn StormTracker
OK I ran across this 2.0 usb drive thing at Best Buy that supposedly I can use it in my USB port and get Wifi Connection ???? but here is the question what is the service like across Tx- west,North,North West,Panhandle, OKlahoma-Central, Western, Southwest and through that chase area. ???????? Anyone can tell me I'de appreciate it alot. and Chasers please tell me about your wifi experiences

"Keeping You 4-Warned"
Shawn C.
Fox 4-Warn StormTracker