TWC Forecast

Is that Fahrenheit, Celsius or Kelvin? No matter the units, It is below absolute temperature. What happens when you get colder than molecular stand-still?
It would result in a black hole. Electrons stop spinning around the nucleus, they are pulled inward. Everything collapses.

OK prepare for the end of the world.
It would result in a black hole. Electrons stop spinning around the nucleus, they are pulled inward. Everything collapses.

OK prepare for the end of the world.

Real Old Testament stuff. Dogs and cats--living together! Human sacrifice!
The Weather Channel switched to the Marny (°M) scale last week. Not all the Weatherstar boxes have caught up with it. The conversion is:

°M = (°F - 32) * 5 / 9 - 32760

You people need to get on the ball.

The low of -32770 seems quite impressive - but what interests me more is this "high of F" they're forecasting. I wonder how hot (or cold) it has to be where they start measuring the temperature in letters?????
Real Old Testament stuff. Dogs and cats--living together! Human sacrifice!

BTW, it goes...

Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... MASS HYSTERIA!

I've tried converting this via my TI-83 conversion, and it gave me an error reading that it couldn't calculate anything below absolute zero!

Speaking of black holes, this is what I stumbled across..

> All of them do! But, to a good approximation, only the ones with
> masses less than the temperature of the black hole ( kT / c^2, to be
> precise) count for much. A black hole at a certain temperature T is
> going to have too little energy to emit particles with masses bigger
> than kT / c^2. In fact, the temperatures of black holes (except
> ridiculously tiny ones) are so low that they emit only particles
> with zero mass, or awfully close to it.

And that still doesn't come close! :lol:
This was a bad day for TWC. First, poor Jen Carfagno gets tangled in cables and falls while coming off the steps. Now this!

BTW, if temps really get that cold, that will wreak havoc on our energy bill this month! :lol:

Stormtrack: No Place Else Covers The Weather Channel and Ghostbusters in the Same Thread