Real Old Testament stuff. Dogs and cats--living together! Human sacrifice!
BTW, it goes...
Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... MASS HYSTERIA!
I've tried converting this via my TI-83 conversion, and it gave me an error reading that it couldn't calculate anything below absolute zero!
Speaking of black holes, this is what I stumbled across..
> All of them do! But, to a good approximation, only the ones with
> masses less than the temperature of the black hole ( kT / c^2, to be
> precise) count for much. A black hole at a certain temperature T is
> going to have too little energy to emit particles with masses bigger
> than kT / c^2. In fact, the temperatures of black holes (except
> ridiculously tiny ones) are so low that they emit only particles
> with zero mass, or awfully close to it.
And that still doesn't come close! :lol: