Tried out my new Sprint aircard

Well, I am sitting here at my parents house south of Pampa,TX. I obviously have internet access here and I am quite surprised. I really am happy with this sprint card, especially since it is working in this remote area of the TX panhandle. Yippy!!!
Soon as my contract is up with Cingular I am going over to Sprint. Currently I use the Sierra AC875 with Cingular. I have been able to compare coverage and connection the past year between the 2 companies with the help of chasing buddies and there is a clear difference. I lose my cingular connection regularly. especially the northern Tx panhandle where I have cell coverage but no data coverage but Sprint rarely if ever loses it connection. The 2 cant be furher apart in terms of usability. Thats why i still have WxWorx as a backup. the Cingular/ATT coverage really sux. I was hoping the merger would help but it barely made a dent. Not sure if Sprint uses the same technology as Cingular/ATT. That could be the difference.

Question I do have I didnt se asked or I missed it. With Sprint do you also have to sign a 2 yr contract or can you pay by the month even if it costs more?? I only use my card about 4 months out of the year so the rest of the time its wasted $$.

My cell phone is with ATT, I have not been impressed with it. I picked up an Alltell USB internet device a few days ago,

But, I found out that Alltell besides having seamless internet and a agremment with Sprint, they also have a new agreemment with Pioneer telephone which does alot of cell business in NW okla.

So alltell, Sprint and Pioneer will all work together. The device was tag, title tax with activation 250.00 with no contract, or 49.95 with a contract. Also, for data at 59.95 a month you can get insurance for your device for 5.00 per month only during activated months, it covers broken, lost damage etc.. everything. If you lose it, break it off in your laptop, you just walk in the store and they give you a new one.

I have not had a chance to go out of town with it yet, but I work in Yukon and live in Bridge creek, where their are about three tower changes and never lost or interupted the connection. I am excited about using this new device this year, I have been tethering my phone the last couple years, this for me seems to be a better solution.

I use a PC to chase with but a mac for my personal stuff, this device also works with Mac, so that was another reason that promted me to get it. But the fact that alltell and sprint has an agreement, and when I was told they just signed up with pioneer, then that convinced me to go this route. Also the usb device has a place to plug in an external antenna.
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Cell phone info if you bring your own equipment
Verizion 1 year contract
Sprint= 2 year contract
Alltell= no contract
ATT= no contract

Hank can you give a review of that unit when you come back from a chase ? I am having issues with alltell in Bham, AL and Nashville, TN EVDO seems to be down or it might be a Sprint problem since Alltel doesn't have native coverage in these citys. Well off to play in the snow :)

PS I loaded a 4000 PRL on to my phone and forced Sprint EVDO roaming so all is good now :)
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I just got through placing an order to maximumsignal. I ordered the basic 5 DB 13 inch magnetic mount and the 595 adapter. I didn't see the 595U adapter which is what my card is. Instead, I just ordered the 595 adapter because I didn't think it would matter. About 2 minutes after placing the order, I got a call from Gordon verifying what I had ordered. We cleared the order up because the 595 and 595U adapter is different. I needed to purchase the 595U instead of the 595 adapter. I want to give HUGE kudos to Gordon for the excellent customer support. I really appreciate that. Keep up the good work Gordon!
Like several others on this list I am very happy with my new Sprint Data card. I haven’t chased a lot with it but I do have one long chase to Arkansas and several trips under my belt. The download speeds are excellent in EVDO areas. In areas without EVDO I was still able to run GRLevel2 which I didn’t think was possible. Maybe it is GRLevel2AE that you can’t run in lower speed networks? Anyways, I am very happy with my new Sprint Data card and recommend it to everyone.

In addition to the Sprint Data card I also added a MaximumSignal “Cascade IVWA819 In Vehicle Dual Band Wireless Amplifier #16138”. I love this product because I have a voice plan with ATT and a data card with Sprint. This amplifier wirelessly boosts the signal of both devices even though they are on different networks. At my house I get EVDO with 5 bars on my Sprint card and only 1 bar on my ATT phone. When I turn on the amplifier my ATT phone jumps to 5 bars and my Sprint card continues to work flawlessly. I have no idea how Gordon is able to amplify one signal without over amplifying the other but somehow it works. Great products Gordon! They aren’t cheap, but they are high quality and worth every penny IMHO. I’m not working on commission so I better end this commercial. LOL
I tried out the sprint 959U aircard yesterday on a real chase. I went from Amarillo down 287 to the Seymour-Throckmorton area and never lost a connection. As a matter of fact, from 2pm to 1am, I had internet the whole time and never lost a connection. I bought an external antenna from maximumsignal and the whole setup worked perfect. If you're still undecided about internet access for the upcoming chase season, go with the sprint aircard an an external antenna. I promise you will not be disappointed. It's so nice looking at Grlevel3 in the middle of nowhere.
I did finally find a rather large hole for about 50 miles around Brady TX. Even for my phone, best I could get there was analog roaming. This is the first significant hole for Sprint I have found in the last couple years.
I did finally find a rather large hole for about 50 miles around Brady TX. Even for my phone, best I could get there was analog roaming. This is the first significant hole for Sprint I have found in the last couple years.

Don't you have an amp David ?