Tribute to Funnel Funnies (graphics intensive)

Dec 4, 2003
I learned the other day that some of the newer chasers haven't heard of the legendary Funnel Funny. When Stormtrack was in print, original editor David Hoadley, who dabbled in art, had a cartoon that ran in every issue. This grew into a staple of the publication, and ultimately over 100 Funnel Funnies were printed.

Here's a random sampling of Funnel Funnies on May 31, even years, during the 1980s.


An Obscure But Solemn Ritual, Volume 3, Issue 4, May 31, 1980


Nightmares of the Storm Chaser, Volume 5, Issue 4, May 31, 1982, David Hoadley


You Should'a Been Here Last Week, Volume 7, Issue 4, May 31, 1984, David Hoadley


Chase, Oklahoma!, Volume 9, Issue 4, May 31, 1986, David Hoadley


Chasers Must Do Something To Relieve the Frustration, Volume 11, Issue 4, May 31, 1988, David Hoadley

Notice the sudden shift from optimism to pessimism between 1986 and 1988, after the 1987-88 drought!

Needless to say, the detail in David Hoadley's sketches is just phenomenal. You could spend a long while savoring the detail in that Chase, Oklahoma cartoon, which interestingly foresaw the booming chase tour business that spring up a decade later (I don't think any existed until around 1989 with Marty Feely's tours, but I may be wrong).

They're all on the Stormtrack 25-Year CD-ROM set available from Tim Marshall at the Stormtrack Shop. It's packed with nearly a thousand sketches and clip art pieces by David Hoadley... and oh yeah! -- tons of articles and chase accounts.


David's cartoons were always my favorites, the details he puts into each one is just amazing... I sure do miss the ST Magazine... I always loved getting those in the mail... it was like a holiday for me :D