Treo 700p EVDO Hardware

Jun 16, 2004
Minneapolis, MN
The 700p is coming out soon and I wanted to caution you all. I haven't confirmed this from a Sprint rep, but it is the most logical:
When it comes to Sprint, the idea of "may be" is going to be definite. One of the reason's you can browse the web on the treo 650 with your computer, but you wont be able to do it with the Treo 700 is the EVDO network. Sprint's system cant distinguish using the standard 1xRTT (Vision) regular browsing on the phone vs using the phone as a modem and streaming it to your computer.
With EVDO (Power Vision) Sprint's system can determine what is using the network, so if you want to use the phone as a modem, you'll have to sign up for their "Phone as a modem" plan, which runs an extra $39.99 a month approx.[/b]

So if you want the higher speeds of downloading, you'll have to pay the $40 a month extra. The way it sounded, you can't use the standard 1xRTT (Vision) on the 700p because it is equipped with EVDO.

My advice: Watch for the price drops on the 650 - for a new plan with all the rebates, you can get one for $199.99. Yeah, sure the connection is slower but how often are you loading and reloading that data? SwiftWX handles fine on my 650.
The 700p is coming out soon and I wanted to caution you all. I haven't confirmed this from a Sprint rep, but it is the most logical:
So if you want the higher speeds of downloading, you'll have to pay the $40 a month extra. The way it sounded, you can't use the standard 1xRTT (Vision) on the 700p because it is equipped with EVDO.

My advice: Watch for the price drops on the 650 - for a new plan with all the rebates, you can get one for $199.99. Yeah, sure the connection is slower but how often are you loading and reloading that data? SwiftWX handles fine on my 650.

I got an e-mail the other day from Palm and it said the 700p is now out for Sprint.

It says in the brochure that is backwords compatible with the older 1xRTT system, also that is does come with a data or sync cable or bluetooth setup. As far as hooking it up to a laptop and using it as a modem I still looking into that. I have a friend that works for Sprint HQ in KC I am going to call and ask him if he knows anything.
From what I understand, the EVDO speeds are not even accessible unless you're in a metro area. IMHO, it'd be totally pointless for any chaser to get it.
From what I understand, the EVDO speeds are not even accessible unless you're in a metro area. IMHO, it'd be totally pointless for any chaser to get it.

Yeah I have to agree with you on that....I think I will get the 650.