Tornado outbreak anniversary:05/21/04

I wonder why the Bradgate monster wedge hasn't been more "famous".... Usually tornadoes that size, especially one that hits a town, gets permanently "named" (think Conway Springs, Attica, Mulvane, Happy, Throckmorton, etc etc etc). I had never heard of the tornado before this winter, when I saw a TV program with that cop's video on it. That tornado is awesome!

Awsome pics Chris! That truly was a monster storm/tornado! Love the storm structure with all those beautiful striations. Its a miracle no one was killed that day. :shock:
Those are awesome pics indeed. I have only seen about a half dozen tornadoes (in pictures) that have been that large...and that's saying something. That tornado was easily in excess of a mile wide, from the looks of it.

This event prob hasn't gotten as much hub-bub simply because there weren't very many chasers out there. If there had been more, I'm sure it would be widely regarded as one of the best events of the 2004 season (which is saying a lot).

05/21/04 tornado

I'm pretty sure by looking at your pics of that HUGE tornado that at times it was probably capable of at least F3 to F4 damage but thankfully it weakened before hitting the town of Bradgate causing what the "experts" say is F2 damage.Those pics you took are the best pics I have seen as of today concerning the Bradgate tornado, I know that the people at the Desmoines NWS would love to see those pics.

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