Tornado Alley USA on Travel Channel tonight

Bill Hark

Jan 13, 2004
Richmond Virginia
I just finished watching part of a new Travel Channel show called "Tornado Alley USA" at 10 PM. I haven't seen it before and it shows a lot of 2007 stuff and some clips from previous years. They followed Roger Hill for a tour period and also showed some previous years tornadoes. I think they spent one of those fairly tornadoless late May weeks with Roger though they did see a brief tornado with the massive May 31, 2007 supercell near Guymon, OK. Over all, a nice show that presented some of the long drives with no storms that are associated with chasing. They showed Roger's long drive to North Dakota and busting last May. I did the same thing that day.

I didn't know it was going to air until a friend called me. The show will air again early Monday morning at 2AM.

Bill Hark
My son Michael and I plus Tony Laubach were all on the show. Michael IM'ed me that it was on last night so I switched over from the Rockies game to see it. The filming crew from Indigo Films followed Silver Lining Tours and our five car caravan for one week. I was happy to see that they stayed fairly true to the events of the week. We saw many nice mesos that week and the two tornadoes on the last day near Guymon, OK. It was unfortunate they weren't with us for the tour that got to experience May 5th in central KS.

I Tivo'ed it so if I have a chance I'll try to sneak it up on youtube.
I Tivo'ed it so if I have a chance I'll try to sneak it up on youtube.

Thank God for Tivo! I actually didn't know anything about it til I was texted with it after the fact. Fortunately it came on again at midnight, so I also DVR'd it and will watch it sometime this week (after the Rockies win and hopefully sweep the series).

I'll be excited to see the show as I was along for the ride for part of that venture, including the long haul into North Dakota where I recall us playing football in the parking lot of that gas station.

Should make for some good entertainment! I look forward to checking it out!
I'll be excited to see the show as I was along for the ride for part of that venture, including the long haul into North Dakota where I recall us playing football in the parking lot of that gas station.

Was along as part of that caravan as well. Taped it last night. That football helped pass some down time in ND and again when we got stuck in that construction on 287 outside of Lamar. To bad they did not have a clip from our feast at the Big Texan, but I'm glad they did not film us on the 4am arrival back to Denver that last day.
That supercell Hill chased was fact I would call it evil. The multiple striations & hail core that thing put out was incredible. Hill mentioned that the supercell became outflow dominant & no tornadoes (I don't think there was) were seen. Even so, looking at that monster would have been well worth the chase.
Well I had the recorder set to go and taped it anyway eventhough I came home in time. The best part really was when the guy proposed under some stormy skies instead of when they were seeing a tornado.
Most of the good tornado footage was from 2003 and 2004 (Manchester etc) reminiscing about etc. Mostly on this chase , small tornado, hail but no real big tornado but that is the way it goes when you are on a chase.
I really liked the analogy (or is it metaphor) of the supercell cold crashing to the ground and keeping any tornadoes from really happening like a "deflated souffle."

It was okay but wished more happened.
Caught it last night as well. I thought it was really well done. I liked how they showed how chasing really is. A lot of driving and not always success. I think the relative lack of tornado action during the featured trip was supplemented nicely by "flashbacks" of previous trips/seasons that had impressive tornadoes.

The clip showing road construction blocking ideal routes was another great part of it. As we all know, that happens quite often. Being able to deal with all the variables on top of that just makes it all that more challenging...
The Travel Channel will be rebroadcasting Tornado Alley USA on October the 30th at 10 pm if anyone missed it.
I too was one of the drivers for Silver Lining Tours on this trip. It was great to have the film company along for the ride.