Which is probably the reason I began with Sony and stuck with them. I really had nothing to start with and wasn't beholden to certain equipment. I've had plenty of Canikon shooters compliment my shots and are completely blown away when I tell them the image was shot with a 30 year old Maxxum lens I found at a garage sale for $5. As a matter of fact, I don't even own a lens built in the last decade that fit these bodies. Now of course you could argue that optics technologies have made many advances over that time with coatings etc. but not so much that you would be able to identify them with my shooting style. I guess my first goal was to find a system I could work into over time where glass didn't cost an arm and a leg and I wouldn't be heartbroken if I left a lens in the weeds and realized it 200 miles later.
Here's my view. Sony is beginning to see huge changes in their video acquisition equipment market which at one time, was their bread and butter. And in reading the market, they've come to conclusion that they need to go "all-in" in the photography area if for nothing else, to hedge their bets for the future. And when Sony takes that position, they usually take no prisoners. They have the technology and the financial resources to take on anyone. Yes, even Canon and Nikon. I think we might be seeing the beginnings of a battle for market share with the latest releases and I would not bet against Sony at this point in time.