Steve, part of the trick I've learned this season is setting lower shutter TIMES. My digital camera allows for a max of 15 seconds. I shot the
May 18 series on my digital with ISO 50/f8 @ 15 seconds each. While it may burn through film, you'll get clear bolts and can really have some fun... see below...
A shorter exposure allowed me to shoot some foreground scenary including chasers and a vehicle with flashing lights. A filter would've reduced the light glare, but the lightning wasn't washed out cause of it..
This shot had a lot of inter-cloud and heat lightning associated with it after the actual bolt hit. Most of the intercloud was after the main bolt dropped, but again, a shorter exposure time at f8 with ISO 50 made it so the light wasn't washed out, yet I was able to get it.
Same concept of lower ISO. This was also 50 with a f8 (camera's max), but set for a few seconds at sunset. Again, shorter times and lower ISO's prevented the sun from washing away the bolt.
The background lightning made this a great shot. Again, I allowed the heat lightning to come through enough to color the clouds, but yet, the CC and CG bolts are still perfectly visibible.