Tint in Chase Vehicles

My windows are tinted dark for the desert. That is one service I would definitely shop out and wouldn't attempt myself. I see a lot of bad tints on the road, I always wonder what someone would do to fix a window they had ruined with tint, or if it was even fixable(?) or does the window have to be replaced...
The guy at our tint shop had some stuff he could clean it up with, but I don't know what it was. They had to do that on trade ins sometimes.
The shop I work for tints windows. I had mine redone last year, the old stuff had turned purple. I understand that's because it was not a "metalic" tint. The old stuff was removed with a commercial clothes steamer. Peeled right off, even the back one over the defogger wires! Smelled awefull!! The glue residue remained and was removed with a razor blade scraper on the side windows and wet STEEL WOOL on the back defogger area. Didn't leave a single scratch. I had been told denatured alcohol would remove the glue, but that didn't work. Steel wool was the trick.

I replaced with a 35% tint, can still see through but has 100% UV protection which saves the vinyl and the seat fabric.
I've used DIY tints a few times, but with mixed results. I was able to tint the rear window in the Kenworth I drive for work in one shot. But that is a large flat window with plenty of room to work around. On the other hand, I also tinted the two rear side windows on my Monte Carlo, and it was a real pain. After a few practice tries (cough,cough) I got the job done. No bubbles and full covering. You really need a lot of patience as it is tedious work. What you save in money, you'll lose in time and hair you'll be pulling out. Older larger cars / vans it'll work fine. Newer, smaller cars...forget it!
I’ve always had tinted windows. I’ve become very skilled in doing it myself over the years due to broken windows and driving through the wrong jurisdiction.

A few years ago I saw a vinyl film that is similar to the “static stickersâ€￾ some radio stations give away in the auto section at Wal-Mart. It’s really easy to work with compared to the adhesive backed kind. You can also remove it and reapply it later if need be. I keep a spare chunk of it in the glove box for the windshield for when I’m driving into the sun.

Like someone said earlier, the secret is to clean the windows before applying. Use a razor blade to remove any little speck of dust.
I will always have tint on my car windows. I just need to quit buying new cars so I can quit having to tint each one. The great thing about window mounts is that the window has to be down anyway, lol. Tint is really never an issue I don't think. If it is a problem the window will either go down or I will look at whatever out my front window. If I can't point the car towards whatever and it is raining I will hold something above the camera and mount it to the window anyway. Usually if it is raining the only thing worth recording, if anything, is possible hail..which, well, can be shot out the front. I've just always had tint and never really had much of any problems. As for night, again, if the window can't be rolled down it is very likely there it nothing worth recording. I think most states probably regulate front windows to a certain level anyway. A level that is likely a non-issue when pointing a video camera through it. I don't think I'd like shooting through a 'clear' window anyway.

The main reason I have tint is so when you stop at a stop light you really don't have to sit there and try not to look like you are wondering if the person next to you is staring or not. I so hate that when I'm in a car with no tint for some reason. I think Nebraska's tint laws say that the back windows can be down to letting 15% of light through while the front have to be 25%. I know, I had to replace the front ones. If driving through/around Blair NE watch basically everything you do. At one point I think we had the most cops per capita in at least the US(they train state troopers here I think).
I have 15% tint on my windows in my Montero. It really makes it hard to see in and I cannot see across to the other side even in broad daylight. So hopefully no one can see what is inside.
Tinting = WHY BOTHER???????????

Guess it's a guy thing.....

:roll: :roll: :roll:


Your pretty fair skinned Karen....doesn't that hot Texas sun in May burn you coming through the car window? A nice UV tint can really cut down on some of the heat coming in the vehicle. :wink:
Tinting = WHY BOTHER???????????

Guess it's a guy thing.....

:roll: :roll: :roll:


Your pretty fair skinned Karen....doesn't that hot Texas sun in May burn you coming through the car window? A nice UV tint can really cut down on some of the heat coming in the vehicle. :wink:

My trademark is the denim jacket. Wherther it's March and 45o after a cold frontal pass, or June 21st in the Texas Panhandle under a baking sun - you'll see me wearing some kind of denim jacket. They're light enough to not be too hot, and heavy enough to protect from rain, and they cover my fair Scottish skin. After that's on - I slap SPF 30 on my hands, too. :(

You'd never get Gene to tint any of the truck's windows - he'd just roll his eyes at you, too!! :roll: :roll:
