Time stamp

Dan Cook

Dec 12, 2003
Lombard, IL
Is anyone else's timestamp messed up? Mine used to be running fine but now it's running an hour 5 minutes fast.
Is anyone else's timestamp messed up? Mine used to be running fine but now it's running an hour 5 minutes fast.

Time change to standard time last month? Change it in your User CP. The 5 minute difference is probably just the difference between whatever clock your looking at and what the server time is set at.
I changed that but it's still not working right. It's bouncing around between 11 PM and 1 AM; I can't get midnight.
I think that I have the same problem. I have time zone set to UTC+2 and the time is 1 hour and 8 minutes ahead. I came on this result after setting my watch to exact standard time by using full hour signal provided by Estonian Radio.
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Server time is showing 3:12pm and my local time is 2:20pm. (central time) Can someone run an NTP sync on the server purty please. :p Thanks!
Yeah, it's about an hour off. I'm at GMT-05:00 Eastern Standard, which is what appears at the bottom of the page. The time here is 10:20 pm. The time displayed is 11:15.
I just finished playing around with the User CP settings for daylight savings time. Auto and Always Off affect no change. Always On, as would be expected advances the hour from 11:20 to 12:20. It should read 10:20 to 11:20, respectively. I'm not complaining, though. I'd hate to have the job of maintaining this forum's server and settings. I applaud folks like David who take it upon themselves.

EDIT: You got in just ahead of me... :)


Ok, I just got the time set right on the server and the board should be defaulting correctly. All set for the Central Time Zone (because that is where Tim and I are and most chasers and chasing are).

You should be able to correctly set your timezone in your user cp now. If you scroll down to the bottom here you can see what the current time your set for is.

I am unsure of how the DST is going to work with the date the DST change takes place being earlier this year.

NOTE: I have noticed posts made now will be ordered by time and within the next hour or two might order funny depending on your settings. This will probably happen for about the next two hours. Since the time recorded for say this post was 11:50pm originally (before the edit) and now the default board time is 10:22pm it wants to order any post before that time in the proper time order. I believe this will correct itself after midnight central time.
Thanks, David. Time's perfect now. I approve. You can keep your new job. ;)
Yes same here......I no longer have to spend hours on my User CP trying to figure out why I'm such a doofus.

Time looks good! Now can the new Tech. Admin. just fix it for us to spring forward a few months early??? That'd make him REALLY popular! :cool:
