Good day everyone,
My line of work is such (in IT) that I have chosen to take TEMP / CONTRACTING jobs where any time taken off is unpaid - But since you are paid much higher up front, the budget works out that is if I took off one week each month, I still would make more than a full time position in the same job working a full month.
The questions are answered below...
Q: How lenient is your place of employment when it comes to taking vacation time to storm chase?
A: I can work a full 40 hour week or half that, as I am on a time-clock (time sheet - contractor) and not salary. As long as I get the work done, taking a few days or a week is no problem.
Q: Do you pretty much get to take off anytime you want?
A: I can take off anytime, as long as I make sure my job duties are fulfilled.
Q: If you don’t have vacation time, can you take unpaid leave to go chasing?
A: In my case, contracting, any time off is unpaid.
Q: What kind of job do you have?
A: On-site computer programming contract for 6 months (Dayton, Ohio).
In the past, each May, I often asked for a couple of weeks off, near Memorial Day for my two week chase trips. I do NOT tell my job I am storm chasing, but make more of a "non-changeable" event such as a wedding or cruise booked with family a "year ago". I worked at a lot of places where being a "storm chaser" can be taken "wrong" by some conservative bosses / co-workers.
Now, with the fallacies and pain of having my two to three week block of time in May (especially in 2006) RIDGED OUT - I decided to attempt "spot chases" where only MAJOR SETUPS will be attempted. I found that taking a few days off at a quicker impromptu notice worked much better than asking for a less flexible two weeks. This worked great while on contract in St Louis last fall, especially for 9-16-2006 in SD.
Last May was the last straw of lengthy chase "expeditions", being solo and chasing "marginal slight risk days" at best, I was in ND one day, Ohio the next, and OK after that ... All with gas at $3.25 a gallon, and watching this huge rex-block low over the Great Lakes that took 2 weeks to move 50 miles, then a RIDGE for the next 2 weeks after the low finally got the F--- out of there. May 2006 was basically shut down after the 9th. This made me think more of chasing setups rather than long trips - saves money too, and you don't "gamble" as much.
My thoughts,