Shane Adams
I think there are people on this list for whom no amount of evidence would be enough to make them admit that humans might be contributing to global warming, regardless of what 90% plus of climate scientists who have spent their careers studying this believe to be true.
Oh I believe it, I just don't believe it's going to change the global climate in any noticable, life-altering fashion. Of course it's man-made, which brings me to my pet peeve of this whole issue: EPA. I'm tired of environmentalists parading the globe, pretending they're some type of Earth saviors, like their actions are saving this planet. This planet is just fine. What the real agenda is is their own collective asses - humanity. Sure, we might be screwing the atmosphere up for ourselves eventually, but that will have zero effect on this planet's ability to continue existing and living. Man to be so bold as to think he has an effect on a planet's ability to sustain itself...laughable IMO.
So how about a new pitch EPA folk? Lose "Save the Earth" and adopt "Save Ourselves!!!"