Tim Johnson
Also known as Temperature ridges or troughs, I had a question regarding the operational use of this data.
weatherprediction.com lists the following in relation to this.
Looking at the big picture, when does it become pertinant to analize thermal ridges (and troughs) in the grand scheme of forcasting severe wx? Is it something that should just be glanced at to determine its importance, or something that should be included as a rule?
weatherprediction.com lists the following in relation to this.
thermal ridges often are indicators of higher instability regions especially if WAA and moisture advection are associated with the thermal ridge.
Looking at the big picture, when does it become pertinant to analize thermal ridges (and troughs) in the grand scheme of forcasting severe wx? Is it something that should just be glanced at to determine its importance, or something that should be included as a rule?