I am right there with you, Josh. Was something said to you personally about your differences of the anthropogenic climate debate? I say challenge away! There is no need to be silenced about this when there is so much evidence contrary to what is being called a "settled science". Heck...they even have to to keep changing the terminology seemingly month to month because the facts and reality do not match the mantra of what the dire predictions have portrayed. The latest climate report that was released a few days ago is another pathetic attempt to alarm the world with more dire predictions of weather events/extremes that are nothing new. There have been predictions of famines, floods, less tornadoes, more tornadoes, fewer hurricanes more hurricanes, snow, no snow, sea level rise, etc. Sadly, when the Supreme Court sided that CO2 is a pollutant, I was to say the least, not impressed. If I hear it one more time that "this tornado outbreak, winter storm, hurricane, fire, etc is caused by man" I will puke! LOL!