"The Earth's climate is changing rapidly..."

Michael Herman

With all these tornadoes in Cal, 80 degree weather in Alaska, and rising tides, things are starting to look like "Day After Tomorrow"... My stepmother and I were talking about this, and she's a little paranoid that the next ice age is on it's way. I'm betting at least 10 generations will pass before anything like this happens. Even so, the weather is unusual enough to attract attention. Any thoughts on our planet's climate?

I'm still waiting fot the Hollywood sign to get eaten... :lol:
The only usual thing about the weather is that it is always unusual.

None of the things you mentioned strike me as news worthy. That's just what the weather does. You also failed to mention the record cold in the plains last week.
Its been cold in Alberta as of late but then were known to get snow in
July and August.We just don't start planting gardens untill after the May
long weekend.No plans on making a beeline to Mexico yet.
Originally posted by Michael Herman
With all these tornadoes in Cal, 80 degree weather in Alaska, and rising tides, things are starting to look like \"Day After Tomorrow\"... My stepmother and I were talking about this, and she's a little paranoid that the next ice age is on it's way. I'm betting at least 10 generations will pass before anything like this happens. Even so, the weather is unusual enough to attract attention. Any thoughts on our planet's climate?

I'm still waiting fot the Hollywood sign to get eaten... :lol:

Well, the next ice age should be on its way, though much more likely the planet is about to enter a strong warm cycle. It'll be colder in some places like (England) and warmer in others, but overall, it seems to be getting warmer.
With regards to the California tornadoes - I think what we're really seeing is a demographics change rather than a climate change. I don't think short lived, relatively weak tornadoes have ever been that unusual there - especially in years the rainy season hangs on into the spring months. We're just hearing about them more now because there's more stuff out there for them to hit and there are more people out there to see them.
That article is certainly interesting... I have a couple friends in England.
And I'm planning to go to Croatia next summer... I sould keep an eye on these things...