Thank you Discovery Channel!

Saw it on TDC today. I've always been a fan of the Discovery Channel. I think its very cool that they would go and do something like that. Thanks DC :)
It is nice to see chasers getting some good press for a change, but if I had the blades off of windmills flying at me like that I don't think I would be out there much longer "saving the lives of others" lol.
I am grateful to the Discovery Channel for appreciating what chasers do.
Wow! Very nice - what a compliment to the chase community.
Kinda makes you realize that no matter how we may argue or disagree from time to time, there's a greater benefit to this than we sometimes realize... protection of life and property!

Thanks TDC and Pioneer Studios!
That was very especially with some recent bad press. Dave, thanks for posting. I appreciate TDC and Pioneer putting together that short clip.

Bill Hark
I thought I was dreaming when I saw this.........This beats some crappy "anti-chasing" newspaper article from Kansas any day.