tapatalk not working

Mar 23, 2013
Denver, CO
tapatalk is not working. is it disabled or just needing to be updated?

I am not a fan of the mobile skin. Would rather use tapatalk if its still an option.
I wanted to update anyone with an interest in Tapatalk. Steve and I discussed adding this to the forum and for the near future we are going to hold off. This doesn't mean we won't reconsider at some point, just that for now our primary goal is to shore up the back-end settings in order to bring rock-solid stability to the forum after a successful launch. We have quite a few software addons that are installed and we want to have the forum hitting on all cylinders before we add more to the mix. Thanks again for the suggestion Hannah and please know that we want to give members a positive experience upon every visit, so let's temporarily suspend this for a couple of months after which we can revisit the subject.
I have a iPhone 4s with the latest software version of Tapatalk. I keep getting this error when I try to login in. I use my full name, and then tried my email with the same password (works ok on a PC in Firefox), yet I keep getting this error. Any ideas?
